Acknowledging that today (26 May) is the 26th Sorry Day. And I am thinking of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people stolen by government and church, and the many who never came home 💗 :firstnations:
#SorryDay is a day of remembrance for the many 1000s of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children forcibly removed from their families and communities. And a day of reflecting on the the pain their families felt, and the intergenerational impact.
The word sorry in Sorry Day does not refer to apology or regret. It comes from the Indigenous practices and protocols of grief and loss, known as Sorry Business.
Sorry Day centres First Nations people who suffered loss due to these race-based government policies, not on settlers who feel remorse/white guilt.
This annual day of remembrance is one of the very few actioned recommendations of the 1997 Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families (Bringing Them Home Report), which was the result of a royal commission >
The Healing Foundation has more information about the Stolen Generations, including an excellent portal of resources >
In the next post (ie linked) I'll do a quick explainer on Sorry Day and the Stolen Generations >
#Indigenous #FirstNations #AboriginalAndTorresStraitIsldners #StolenGeneration #SorryDay
#SorryDay #indigenous #firstnations #aboriginalandtorresstraitisldners #StolenGeneration