#Australia has never been good at listening to #Aboriginal & #TorresStrait Islander people. Despite #truths #exposed in processes like the #RoyalCommission into #AboriginalDeathsInCustody or #Inquiry into the #Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander #Children from their Families, time & again #governments have #ignored #recommendations designed to address the #impacts of Australia’s #SettlerColonial past & present.
#australia #aboriginal #torresstrait #truths #exposed #RoyalCommission #aboriginaldeathsincustody #inquiry #separation #children #governments #ignored #recommendations #impacts #settlercolonial #indigenous #humanrights #nativerights
Archie Moore’s “Inert State” installation at Qld Art Gallery. At first I thought these floating documents were discarded exam papers, capturing the celebratory end of semester mood. We were, after all, at the gallery with young student friends for a special lunch to celebrate their successful completion of the year’s study. However - this is Archie Moore’s work & the documents represent 200 coronial reports into Indigenous deaths in custody - such a powerful statement. “In the 30 years since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, the NDICP has recorded 517 Indigenous deaths in custody. Between 1 April and 30 June 2022 there were 26 deaths in custody – five Indigenous deaths and 21 non-Indigenous deaths.” https://www.aic.gov.au/media-centre/news/dashboard-provides-quarterly-reporting-deaths-custody #AustralianArt #QAG #QueenslandArtGallery #ArchieMoore #AboriginalDeathsInCustody
#australianart #qag #queenslandartgallery #archiemoore #aboriginaldeathsincustody