DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1346 followers · 17651 posts · Server

Sickness Country

Not far from are deposits of . have known to avoid this area for centuries—it is known as "sickness country". The artwork shown here depicts a person with swollen joints—the first signs of radiation poisoning.

(The Creator) and (The )

"Our land was first created by Bula, who came from saltwater country to the north. With his two wives, the Ngallenjilenji, he hunted across the land and in doing so transformed the landscape through his actions. In a number of places, Bula left his image as paintings in rock shelters. Bula finally went under the ground at a number of locations north of Katherine in an area known to us as 'Sickness Country'. It is called this because the area is very dangerous, and should not be disturbed for fear that earthquakes and fire will destroy the world… Bolung the Rainbow Serpent inhabits the deep green pools found in the Second Gorge. We do not fish in the pools where Bolung sits. When fishing close to these pools, we can take only a small portion of the fish caught and throw back the rest in order to appease Bolung. Drinking water must not be taken from these deep pools but rather from the shallow associated waters. Pregnant women and new initiates may not swim in the Katherine River for fear of disturbing Bolung, who must not be spoken to and must be left undisturbed.”
- of the people

#kakadu #uranium #aboriginals #bula #bolung #rainbowserpent #dreamtime #jawoyn #nuclear #NuclearWaste #UraniumMining #australia

Last updated 1 year ago

NonXMP · @steveirons
497 followers · 828 posts · Server

on Ngunnawal & Ngambri Land @otiose94 Sacred Sites vs sites by @moir_alan

#voice #qt #religion #mining #aboriginals #surplus

Last updated 1 year ago

Peter M 🎯 · @Pjotrovics
210 followers · 2372 posts · Server


..als het woord of toch op het biljet zou komen te staan.
Het zou mooi zijn als hun werkelijk wordt geëerd door hen te vragen welke naam er dan op moet komen.

En als ze dan toch bezig zijn, wijzig dan ook de naam in land, want dat volk woont daar. Géén .
Er zijn aanwijzingen dat zij de 1e waren.

: eer hun .

#geschiedenis #justsaying #australiers #arhemmers #yolnu #arnhemland #historie #Aborigines #aboriginals #PrettiggestoordNL

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter M 🎯 · @Pjotrovics
210 followers · 2372 posts · Server


Op bankbiljet van 5 dollar komt geen afbeelding van de Britse koning Charles te staan. De centrale bank kiest voor een afbeelding die de "cultuur en geschiedenis van de eerste Australiërs eert".

Welke naam gaan ze geven aan de 1e bewoners?. noemen zichzelf niet zo. Zij noemen hun eigen stam, bv Tiwis, Gagudju, Pitjantjatjaras, Mutijulu, Koories of Yolŋu.

Het zou een zijn als..(2)

#farce #aboriginals #australische #PrettiggestoordNL

Last updated 2 years ago

Gregory Opera 🇦🇺 · @gregoryopera
8 followers · 149 posts · Server

My ancestors came to from in the 1920s, and *all* of my living relatives were born in Australia… To the best of my knowledge, none of them has ever been racist towards somebody. Yet I’m expected to be forever indebted to because of the mistakes people *unrelated to me* made in the past, for no other reason than the fact that I happen to white? I’m sorry, you can package Aboriginal issues however you want, but racism is racism and that my friends, is blatant racism.

#australia #italy #aboriginals

Last updated 2 years ago

Tony · @kongakong
123 followers · 265 posts · Server

"For more than eleven long years, Aboriginal women and their allies have been fighting property giant Roche Group to prevent the destruction of their sacred women’s sanctuary, the Butterfly Cave."

#australia #nsw #aboriginals

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Thiwerspoon · @Nick_Thiwerspoon
77 followers · 1726 posts · Server

RT @otiose94
by @moir_alan

#aboriginals #invasionday

Last updated 2 years ago

@harikunzru it's not that long ago when advised we were going to be or were being, swamped with Asians.

A few years later the same was advising we were being swamped with .

We are currently waiting for her to advise we are being swamped with ( her word not mine).

And if course whenever she is questioned, like must Australians, she isn't a

#paulinehanson #fishshopwoman #muslims #aboriginals #racist

Last updated 2 years ago

Anne Fausto Sterling · @faustosterling
756 followers · 1242 posts · Server
MacropodCare: Verified Twice · @MacropodCare
191 followers · 1136 posts · Server

That's a sad reflection on the human condition. Next year will be telling the that "we are being overrun by ".

Last time it was and the year before it was , so it makes sense that in the year of the referendum it will be .

#paulinehanson #senate #aboriginals #asians #muslims #firstnations

Last updated 2 years ago

JoeyPajamas · @JoeyPajamas
14 followers · 55 posts · Server

I often think about a report of how when native saw a car for the first time they were terrified because they thought a rock had come alive and started moving on its own. A large rock was the only point of reference they had for the car. Imagine seeing something for the first time you have utterly no conception of. 🤯

#australian #aboriginals

Last updated 2 years ago

@PostOrientalism · @steveirons
813 followers · 422 posts · Server
anna_lillith · @anna_lillith
192 followers · 873 posts · Server
· @Newstarget
1960 followers · 17907 posts · Server
· @Newstarget
1969 followers · 18020 posts · Server
· @NaturalNews
5585 followers · 24950 posts · Server
☆joene☆ · @joenepraat
1283 followers · 19563 posts · Server

*Aboriginal Language Map*

"This map is just one representation of many other map sources that are available for Aboriginal Australia. Using published resources available between 1988–1994, this map attempts to represent all the language, social or nation groups of the Indigenous people of ."


High resolution:

#languages #aboriginals #mapporn #Australia

Last updated 7 years ago