"The survey covers four broad areas: periods and menopause; preventing and planning pregnancy; pregnancy experiences; and reproductive health conditions, such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome. The survey is for women and people described as female at birth, aged between 16 and 55, who live in England."
#nhs #womenshealth #afabhealth #lgbtqhealth #reproductivehealth #ukhealth #abortionuk #abortionishealthcare #ukfeminism #englandhealth #abortionrights
#abortionrights #englandhealth #ukfeminism #abortionishealthcare #abortionuk #ukhealth #reproductivehealth #LGBTQHealth #afabhealth #womenshealth #nhs
America fall in line 🇺🇸🙌
#AbortionIsHealthcare #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights #WomenAreUnderAttack #MyBodyMyChoice #WomensRights
#womensrights #mybodymychoice #WomenAreUnderAttack #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights #abortionishealthcare
Virginia Election Info: Your Way, Your Say!
#virginiaelection #glennyoungkin #abortionishealthcare
#virginiaelection #glennyoungkin #abortionishealthcare
Republicans are idiots! If they state “pro-baby” that will essentially be another big LIE because that will never do anything about the gun culture in out nation that continues to kill children in schools. Furthermore, it’s a fetus at that stage NOT a baby. #AbortionIsHealthcare
Republicans are idiots! If they state “pro-baby” that will essentially be another big LIE because that will never do anything about the gun culture in out nation that continues to kill children in schools. Furthermore, it’s a fetus at that stage NOT a baby. #AbortionIsHealthcare
Republicans are trying to find a new term for ‘pro-life’ to stave off more electoral losses https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republicans-try-find-new-term-life-stave-electoral-losses-rcna103924
Super proud of my birth country:
Mexico's Supreme Court legalizes abortion.
Please read to the end: just like in the U.S. under Roe, conservatives will fight this ruling and will try to continue to punish people seeking legal abortions. The fight is never over, as long as there are #Christofascists with money anywhere.
#abortionishealthcare #ChristoFascists
Mark Jacob (on twitter):
"Forced-birth extremists in Texas are passing laws banning use of public roads to take someone out of state to get an abortion. Don't let anyone tell you the right wing promotes personal freedom. It's quite the opposite."
#abortionishealthcare #abortionban #texas
We have reached full Handmaids Tale. (Gift article) #abortionishealthcare #abortion https://wapo.st/3L6AGWn
#abortionishealthcare #abortion
I have had reservations about Jen Psaki since day one, specifically on her stance on #Abortion, and she's proven me right every fucking day since.
As @georgelakoff has said often: do not use the frame of your enemies to 'debunk' or dispute their points; when you do that, you've already lost the argument.
#AbortionIsHealthcare end of.
#abortionishealthcare #abortion
The only acceptable position on abortion, courtesy of Dr Mia Brett.
Do not ever let privileged white cis men regulate reproductive rights, for the are invariably willing to compromise on other people's rights.
Privileged white men will claim their 'compromise' is necessary.
a) it isn't
b) leave any room for #Christofascist control and they'll pry it open until they take over
Fuck Ian Millhiser and his ilk of "progressive" liberal men.
#abortionishealthcare #christofascist
Fascist patriarchal Republican men rule in Idaho: Pregnancy care in town: no longer an option. One of the most restrictive laws in the US ensnares all of reproductive health +good share of routine MED care in its dragnet. Women of Sandpoint want others to know: can happen anywhere in the post-Roe US. NOWHERE IS SAFE AS YOU MIGHT BELIEVE & THE BATTLE WON'T STOP AT THE STATE BORDERS🚨. ID had trigger laws: immediate abortion restrictions-. #GOPDeathCult #AbortionIsHealthcare https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/22/abortion-idaho-women-rights-healthcare?CMP=share_btn_tw
#gopdeathcult #abortionishealthcare
Rape is not about sex
Rape is about rage
Pass it on
#abortionishealthcare #banassaultriflesnotabortions #thinkingcap2
“South Carolina’s new all-male Supreme Court reversed course on abortion on Wednesday, upholding a ban on most such procedures after about six weeks of pregnancy” #Patriarchy #AbortionIsHealthcare
#patriarchy #abortionishealthcare
Whatever happened to leaving it up to the states?
#abortion #abortionrights #abortionishealthcare #healthcare #usa #ussupremecourt #texas #medicine #genderequity #genderequality #women #civilrights #humanrights #pregnancy
#abortion #abortionrights #abortionishealthcare #healthcare #usa #ussupremecourt #texas #medicine #genderequity #genderequality #women #civilrights #HumanRights #pregnancy
Billionaires vs. Choice: Unmasking the Corruption of Abortion Ban Decisions
#AbortionISHealthcare #womenshealth #lgbtq
#abortionishealthcare #womenshealth #lgbtq
Please help if you can! #NorthCarolina #abortion fundraiser!!
#abortionrights #abortionishealthcare #ncdemocrats #Dobbs #womensrights #abortionaccess
#abortionaccess #womensrights #dobbs #ncdemocrats #abortionishealthcare #abortionrights #abortion #northcarolina
Please help if you can! #NorthCarolina #abortion fundraiser!!
#abortionrights #abortionishealthcare #ncdemocrats #Dobbs #womensrights
#womensrights #dobbs #ncdemocrats #abortionishealthcare #abortionrights #abortion #northcarolina
Florida officials have hit an independent central Fl abortion clinic (the Center of Orlanda for Women) with $193,000 in fines and the clinic is fundraising this weekend to not be bankrupted but stay open.
You can support the clinic by donating here: https://givebutter.com/saveowc
Their clinic escorts are also going live on their TikTok all weekend to fundraise - https://www.tiktok.com/@swanofcentralfla
Late edit - the live got banned 😔 if you're on TT and want to comment on or repost their videos on the situation that could be very helpful!
#BansOffOurBodies #prochoice #abortion #nomoreclosedclinics #abortionishealthcare #AbortionRights
#prochoice #nomoreclosedclinics #abortionishealthcare #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionRights #abortion
American Taliban Bans Abortion Pills
#AbortionISHealthcare #Mifepristone #WomensRights
#abortionishealthcare #mifepristone #womensrights
Conservative courts are taking Americans' rights away. They're escalating the crisis: Appeals court embraces abortion-pill limits, sets up Supreme Court review. #AbortionIsHealthcare https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/08/16/abortion-pill-mifepristone-court-ruling-appeal/