So so so proud to be part of this.
My interview for the “How the Yes Was Won” podcast, images and logos will be archived as part of the Repeal/abortion referendum collection.
#Repeal #RepealThe8th #AbortionReferendum #Abortion #ReproductiveHealthcare #Prochoice #Ireland #Mastodaoine #TippForChoice
#repeal #repealthe8th #abortionreferendum #abortion #ReproductiveHealthcare #prochoice #ireland #mastodaoine #TippForChoice
This handy guide is ideal for those times when you're just too busy to fully research all the arguments in a political debate, but still feel you ought to vote.
It's never let me down so far.
#repealthe8th #RepealedThe8th #abortionreferendum #ireland #irelandreferendum
#repealthe8th #repealedthe8th #abortionreferendum #ireland #irelandreferendum
It's always a bitter blow to the Catholic Church when something comes along which reduces the supply of unwanted children.
#repealthe8th #RepealedThe8th #abortionreferendum #ireland #cartoon
#repealthe8th #repealedthe8th #abortionreferendum #ireland #cartoon