Deliberately set out to create crap — lots of crap. (p. 42) #AbortiveAttempts
Don’t wait until you can get it right before you start. (p. 35) #AbortiveAttempts
Too many times we think and think and worry about what we hope to have when it’s finished — that perfect poem or song or painting — and so we never start because we can’t see how we’re going to make it that perfect. (p. 35) #AbortiveAttempts
That moment when we're tempted to think our first effort is enough — #TaskAvoidance gives us the distance to apply #Gestalt to what is actually an #AbortiveAttempts, thus proving: #CrasMeliorEst. #Lichtenbergianism #postcardquotes
#taskavoidance #gestalt #abortiveattempts #crasmeliorest #lichtenbergianism #postcardquotes
Plato was not always right. #AbortiveAttempts #Lichtenbergianism #postcardquotes
#abortiveattempts #lichtenbergianism #postcardquotes
Trying things is the answer to your talent. — Howard Finster #MakeTheThingThatIsNot #AbortiveAttempts
#makethethingthatisnot #abortiveattempts
"Look at all those other people going places!
Is there any reason you shouldn't hop on and go, too?
#MakeTheThingThatIsNot #AbortiveAttempts #Lichtenbergianism" #postcardquotes
#makethethingthatisnot #abortiveattempts #lichtenbergianism #postcardquotes
There are always multiple paths to the thing you want to make. There is never just one. #AbortiveAttempts #MakeTheThingThatIsNot #postcardquotes
#abortiveattempts #makethethingthatisnot #postcardquotes
Are your stars not perfect? Good. You're getting there. #AbortiveAttempts #SuccessiveApproximation #postcardquotes
#abortiveattempts #successiveapproximation #postcardquotes
You cannot make it perfect. Why would you even try? #AbortiveAttempts #MakeTheThingThatIsNot #postcardquotes
#abortiveattempts #makethethingthatisnot #postcardquotes
Not at all productive, I don’t think, but hey, it’s paint on board and not in the tube. #AbortiveAttempts #Lichtenbergianism #blogquotes
#abortiveattempts #lichtenbergianism #blogquotes
To The Critic: This piece, this drawing, this poem, is going to be *crap*. I am *deliberately* going to put down whatever comes into my head or my fingers and THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME. (p. 36) #AbortiveAttempts
The whole point of writing #AbortiveAttempts at the top of your page is to give yourself permission to fail. (p. 36)
It is almost always the case that we fail to create because we fear not being able to do it. We fear that first mistake. That is the mistake. #AbortiveAttempts #Lichtenbergianism #postcardquotes
#abortiveattempts #lichtenbergianism #postcardquotes
If you could see it, would it be your target? #Gestalt #AbortiveAttempts #postcardquotes
#gestalt #abortiveattempts #postcardquotes
Trying things is the answer to your talent. — Howard Finster #MakeTheThingThatIsNot #AbortiveAttempts
#makethethingthatisnot #abortiveattempts
Deliberately set out to create crap — lots of crap. (p. 42) #AbortiveAttempts
Plato was not always right. #AbortiveAttempts #Lichtenbergianism #postcardquotes
#abortiveattempts #lichtenbergianism #postcardquotes