Obligar a una mujer a abortar en una comunidad distinta a la suya vulnera sus derechos #AbortoLibre
Obligar a una mujer a abortar en una comunidad distinta a la suya vulnera sus derechos #AbortoLibre
Our friend Aracely has been targeted with a lawsuit drawn up by anti-abortion extremists. This lawsuit is meant to create a chilling effect in Texas. Aracely could use our support! If you can, please help by donating and sharing this widely. 💚
Venmo: araselfie
Now, more than ever, people who face criminalization deserve to feel supported. There is a necessary and unfortunate risk in this line of work but I implore people to not abandon those who are persecuted.
RT @SaraSanchez___@twitter.com
#TalDíaComoHoy nacía #PaulaRego, primera artista en retratar la realidad de los abortos clandestinos. #abortolibre #abortolegal #LuchadorasyPioneras https://twitter.com/SaraSanchez___/status/1534874242684182529
#taldiacomohoy #paularego #abortolibre #abortolegal #luchadorasypioneras
Biden's #immigration policies at the border pose a grave threat to #reproductivejustice among people who are seeking #asylum within the states. Everyone deserves to parent their children in healthy environments without violence/ fear. Regardless of legality, borders are artificial. #abortion #abortioncare #abortolibre
#abortolibre #Abortioncare #abortion #asylum #reproductivejustice #immigration
#intro I'm hopeful for our future and I hope you are too! We have a blank canvas to dream as big as we want when it comes to not just abortion care, but true reproductive justice!
I take inspiration from working with our Mexican counterparts and the #MareaVerde that has spread hope throughout Latin America. #AbortoLibre
#abortolibre #mareaverde #intro