#about last night. @Jenny took me out to the clubs for a `Heart to Heart’ session. Listening to brilliant singer-songwriter had not been so much fun for a long time.
On stage: opening by Avery Anna, followed by Jackson Dean, Kelvin Jones, Ingo Pohlmann and Breland. Mostly impresses me special guest: Brooke Eden singing and talking about her relationship that she had been told to hide to keep her career. #LBTIQ good to know she did not and now going her own way. #changesinmusic
Brazilian, 44 years. I transform the need for texts, publications and visual arts into passion and dedication.
✍️ DO
A freelancer designer focused on typesetting and digital art.
A freelancer writer focused on culture, religion, and human behaviour.
Publisher-chief of Rede Books. On the way of high quality literary.
Adobe Creative
PT-BR profile: giovannialecrim@masto.donte.com.br
Kids they say!! They are fun they say!! Who ever said that should be Slapped!! I kid.. I kid.. sort of. 😂
One of my little ass hats got into some chocolate stash's we have strategically placed around the house for science! Well he wasn't paying attention and he thinks one of the dogs got a big chunk! Which of course is pretty bad for dogs. So we had to rush the damn mut to the vet and 800 dollars later... I gotta wait to buy my #homelab upgrades!!!
#homelab #about #to #see #if #my #kid #can #fly
Made some updates to our instance's about page: https://mastodon.cosmicnation.co/about
#mastodon #instance #Fediverse #about #information
Post from @fluffy on cohost https://cohost.org/fluffy/post/2386953-oh-gosh-i-feel-weir #this%20is%20how%20fluffy%20ends%20up%20getting%20robbed #insert%20Fight%20Club%20quote%20here #about%20me #insecurity
#insecurity #about #insert #this
"Grandpa Is 'Golfing' - How to Talk to Your Kids About Prison"
- by Ivanka Trump with Mary L. Trump, Simon & Schuster.
#ivanka #trump #book #how to #talk w #your #kids #about #grandpa in #prison #lousy #golfer #former #president #indicted #again #next #week #georgia too
#ivanka #trump #book #how #talk #your #kids #about #grandpa #prison #lousy #golfer #former #president #indicted #again #next #week #Georgia
#introductions #intro #introduction #about #aboutme
#etherosexual/#cisgender #guy, he/him.
#sexpositive, #bodypositive , very #tactile #sensualist from south #Europe, now in #Cambridge (#UK).
#dominant most of the time.
I have a soft spot for #restraints, #physical_submission and #obedience.
I like to touch and to be touched. Everywhere.
I am on #fetlife for whom cares.
also I do #photography and #drawing. Sometimes about vanilla stuff.
#introductions #intro #introduction #about #aboutme #etherosexual #guy #sexpositive #bodypositive #tactile #sensualist #europe #cambridge #uk #dominant #restraints #physical_submission #obedience #fetlife #photography #drawing
#about me / a better #introduction
"Sully" is both my pup name & the name of my fursonna (a bullshark) - who I cannot draw
Tame Interests: science (zoology & paleontology), 80s & 90s cartoons, comic books, horror movies, video games, & TTRPGs
Spicy Interests: pup play, leather/gear, & group play - especially with my BF @samothtiger
Come to the DARK SIDE of Social Media
#stopdoomscrolling #idiocrazy #dopamin #endcapitalism #generalstrike #followyourbliss #workaholics
#humor #socialMedia #GameOverFuerBarrierrenFuerBarrierren #GameOverFürBarrierrenFuerBarrierren #DeutscheGebärdenSprache #DeutscheGebaerdenSprache #DGS #Respekt #Fingeralphabet #FediLZ #EduDE #Bildungsurlaub #FediversePower #AbbauVonBarrieren #Wasser #Kultur #Chemie #ErdeUmwelt #ITTech #introduction #reading #books, #ScienceFiction #TimeTravel #stories #fiction #climate #nonfiction #read #about #science #particularly #astronomy #exoplanets #history #DoctorWho, #StarTrek #Babylon5 #play #DnD.#watch #CriticalRole #streams #netflix #prime #amazon #elon #tesla #fuckthisshit #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #followyourbliss #endcapitalism #basicincome #generalstrike #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety #endcapitalism #anarchyislove #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #fediverse #politik #politics #merz #fdp #cdu #spd #grüne #Löwe #Loewin #Berlin #Löwin #Brandenburg #berlin #klimawandel #letztegeneration #wirsindmehr #Health #Politics #USA #News #breakingNews #breaking #afd #noafd #wahl #queer #trans #ccc #chaos #schule #familie #kinder #arbeit #keinearbeit #ichbinarmutsbetroffen #biden #trump #porn #burnout #depression #notjustsad #aktien #coins #news #drama #stress #dystopie #klimakrise #nocebo #psychologie #psychology #empathie #society #metaphysik #physik #german #english #jobs #arbeitsangebot #suche #biete #kostenlos #free #nature #earth #universe #life #live #bike #recycle #please #boost #followerpower
Dopamin is fake bliss. #followyourbliss
#stopdoomscrolling #Idiocrazy #Dopamin #endcapitalism #generalstrike #followyourbliss #workaholics #humor #socialmedia #gameoverfuerbarrierrenfuerbarrierren #gameoverfurbarrierrenfuerbarrierren #deutschegebardensprache #deutschegebaerdensprache #dgs #respekt #fingeralphabet #FediLZ #eduDE #bildungsurlaub #fediversepower #abbauvonbarrieren #wasser #kultur #chemie #ErdeUmwelt #ITTech #Introduction #reading #books #sciencefiction #timetravel #stories #fiction #climate #nonfiction #read #about #science #particularly #astronomy #Exoplanets #history #doctorwho #startrek #babylon5 #play #dnd #watch #criticalrole #streams #netflix #prime #amazon #elon #tesla #fuckthisshit #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #basicincome #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety #anarchyislove #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #fediverse #politik #politics #merz #fdp #cdu #spd #grune #lowe #loewin #berlin #lowin #brandenburg #klimawandel #LetzteGeneration #wirsindmehr #health #usa #news #breakingnews #breaking #afd #noafd #wahl #queer #trans #ccc #Chaos #schule #familie #kinder #arbeit #keinearbeit #IchBinArmutsbetroffen #biden #trump #porn #burnout #depression #notjustsad #Aktien #coins #drama #stress #dystopie #klimakrise #nocebo #Psychologie #psychology #empathie #society #metaphysik #physik #german #english #jobs #arbeitsangebot #suche #biete #kostenlos #free #nature #earth #universe #life #live #bike #recycle #please #boost #followerpower
I can't believe it! Psychologist debunks 8 myths of mass scale
#stopdoomscrolling #idiocrazy #dopamin #endcapitalism #generalstrike #followyourbliss #workaholics
#humor #socialMedia #GameOverFuerBarrierrenFuerBarrierren #GameOverFürBarrierrenFuerBarrierren #DeutscheGebärdenSprache #DeutscheGebaerdenSprache #DGS #Respekt #Fingeralphabet #FediLZ #EduDE #Bildungsurlaub #FediversePower #AbbauVonBarrieren #Wasser #Kultur #Chemie #ErdeUmwelt #ITTech #introduction #reading #books, #ScienceFiction #TimeTravel #stories #fiction #climate #nonfiction #read #about #science #particularly #astronomy #exoplanets #history #DoctorWho, #StarTrek #Babylon5 #play #DnD.#watch #CriticalRole #streams #netflix #prime #amazon #elon #tesla #fuckthisshit #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #followyourbliss #endcapitalism #basicincome #generalstrike #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety #endcapitalism #anarchyislove #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #fediverse #politik #politics #merz #fdp #cdu #spd #grüne #Löwe #Loewin #Berlin #Löwin #Brandenburg #berlin #klimawandel #letztegeneration #wirsindmehr #Health #Politics #USA #News #breakingNews #breaking #afd #noafd #wahl #queer #trans #ccc #chaos #schule #familie #kinder #arbeit #keinearbeit #ichbinarmutsbetroffen #biden #trump #porn #burnout #depression #notjustsad #aktien #coins #news #drama #stress #dystopie #klimakrise #nocebo #psychologie #psychology #empathie #society #metaphysik #physik #german #english #jobs #arbeitsangebot #suche #biete #kostenlos #free #nature #earth #universe #life #live #bike #recycle #please #boost #followerpower
#Psychologie #psychology #empathie #society #metaphysik #physik #german #english #jobs #arbeitsangebot #suche #biete #kostenlos #free #nature #earth #universe #life #live #bike #recycle #please #boost #followerpower #stopdoomscrolling #Idiocrazy #Dopamin #endcapitalism #generalstrike #followyourbliss #workaholics #humor #socialmedia #gameoverfuerbarrierrenfuerbarrierren #gameoverfurbarrierrenfuerbarrierren #deutschegebardensprache #deutschegebaerdensprache #dgs #respekt #fingeralphabet #FediLZ #eduDE #bildungsurlaub #fediversepower #abbauvonbarrieren #wasser #kultur #chemie #ErdeUmwelt #ITTech #Introduction #reading #books #sciencefiction #timetravel #stories #fiction #climate #nonfiction #read #about #science #particularly #astronomy #Exoplanets #history #doctorwho #startrek #babylon5 #play #dnd #watch #criticalrole #streams #netflix #amazon #elon #tesla #fuckthisshit #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #basicincome #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety #anarchyislove #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #fediverse #politik #politics #merz #fdp #cdu #spd #grune #lowe #loewin #berlin #lowin #brandenburg #klimawandel #LetzteGeneration #wirsindmehr #health #usa #news #breakingnews #breaking #afd #noafd #wahl #queer #trans #ccc #Chaos #schule #familie #kinder #arbeit #keinearbeit #IchBinArmutsbetroffen #biden #trump #porn #burnout #depression #notjustsad #Aktien #coins #drama #stress #dystopie #klimakrise #nocebo #prime
How New Addictions are Destroying Us
#stopdoomscrolling #idiocrazy #dopamin #endcapitalism #generalstrike #followyourbliss #workaholics
#humor #socialMedia #GameOverFuerBarrierrenFuerBarrierren #GameOverFürBarrierrenFuerBarrierren #DeutscheGebärdenSprache #DeutscheGebaerdenSprache #DGS #Respekt #Fingeralphabet #FediLZ #EduDE #Bildungsurlaub #FediversePower #AbbauVonBarrieren #Wasser #Kultur #Chemie #ErdeUmwelt #ITTech #introduction #reading #books, #ScienceFiction #TimeTravel #stories #fiction #climate #nonfiction #read #about #science #particularly #astronomy #exoplanets #history #DoctorWho, #StarTrek #Babylon5 #play #DnD.#watch #CriticalRole #streams #netflix #prime #amazon #elon #tesla #fuckthisshit #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #followyourbliss #endcapitalism #basicincome #generalstrike #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety #endcapitalism #anarchyislove #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #fediverse #politik #politics #merz #fdp #cdu #spd #grüne #Löwe #Loewin #Berlin #Löwin #Brandenburg #berlin #klimawandel #letztegeneration #wirsindmehr #Health #Politics #USA #News #breakingNews #breaking #afd #noafd #wahl #queer #trans #ccc #chaos #schule #familie #kinder #arbeit #keinearbeit #ichbinarmutsbetroffen #biden #trump #porn #burnout #depression #notjustsad #aktien #coins #news #drama #stress #dystopie #klimakrise #nocebo
#prime #fediverse #politik #politics #merz #fdp #cdu #spd #grune #lowe #loewin #berlin #lowin #brandenburg #klimawandel #LetzteGeneration #wirsindmehr #health #usa #news #breakingnews #breaking #afd #noafd #wahl #queer #trans #ccc #Chaos #schule #familie #kinder #arbeit #keinearbeit #IchBinArmutsbetroffen #biden #trump #porn #burnout #depression #notjustsad #Aktien #coins #drama #stress #dystopie #klimakrise #nocebo #stopdoomscrolling #Idiocrazy #Dopamin #endcapitalism #generalstrike #followyourbliss #workaholics #humor #socialmedia #gameoverfuerbarrierrenfuerbarrierren #gameoverfurbarrierrenfuerbarrierren #deutschegebardensprache #deutschegebaerdensprache #dgs #respekt #fingeralphabet #FediLZ #eduDE #bildungsurlaub #fediversepower #abbauvonbarrieren #wasser #kultur #chemie #ErdeUmwelt #ITTech #Introduction #reading #books #sciencefiction #timetravel #stories #fiction #climate #nonfiction #read #about #science #particularly #astronomy #Exoplanets #history #startrek #babylon5 #play #dnd #watch #criticalrole #netflix #amazon #elon #tesla #fuckthisshit #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #basicincome #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety #anarchyislove #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #doctorwho #streams
#About Tab - überlege noch, wie ich den Teil hier befülle.
Manche haben da Infos drin, die mich an ein Freundschaftsbuch erinnern…
Habt ihr Vorschläge, Ideen, Fragen?
#about : around; all round
- French: environ, à propos
- German: über, zirka
- Italian: incirca
- Portuguese: sobre
- Spanish: sobre, acerca de
Fill in missing translations @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
#introducción #about #presentación
Ya lo dice en mi bio: #artista, #asturiano, #ceramista, complejo de Peter Pan, un poco #friki, #lGtbiq+, de izquierdas... El orden es aleatorio, los términos, no.
Y aquí? Pues publicaré un poco de todo relacionado con lo de arriba, día a día, proyectos, cine, música, frikadas varias, alguna foto... Iremos viendo juntos, no?
#presentacion #introduccion #about #artista #asturiano #ceramista #friki #lgtbiq #arte #ceramica #rol
all hands on board, this might be a #november
#mastodon #fediverse #joinmastodon #eternalnovember #twitter #twitterdown #musk #elonmusk #socialmedia #meme #mamema #memes
and a triple hooray to #instance #admins
(check #donation option in your instances #about section)
#November #mastodon #fediverse #joinmastodon #eternalnovember #twitter #twitterdown #musk #elonmusk #socialmedia #meme #mamema #memes #instance #admin #donation #about