I’m down with Trump supporters being told to read the Constitution. #Honest #AboutTime #ExGOP
“We’re suing the FDA for lying to the public about ivermectin,” said Dr. Bowden.
U.S. law is cited in the complaint, including the provision that the FDA “may not interfere with the authority of a health care provider to prescribe or administer any legally marked device to a patient for any condition or disease within a legitimate health care practitioner-patient relationship.”
I watched #AboutTime last night for the first time.
It's a bit of a hot mess, isn't it?
I will say it didn't go in any of the directions I was sort of expecting it to, which was nice, but there was a lot about the #film that I found kind of icky, I guess?
Kotaku: Meet Catbat, The Crash Bandicoot Series’ First Non-Binary Character https://kotaku.com/crash-team-rumble-bandicoot-catbat-non-binary-character-1850510308 #gaming #tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #videogamecharacters #videogameremakes #universalstudios #videogamesequels #doctorneocortex #crashbandicoot #platformgames #nicholaskole #videogaming #rondesantis #videogames #erikaishii #davidbowie #naughtydog #neocortex #abouttime #crashyan #paulyan #danneil #bridget #catbat #kotaku #crash
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #videogamecharacters #videogameremakes #universalstudios #videogamesequels #doctorneocortex #crashbandicoot #platformgames #nicholaskole #videogaming #rondesantis #videogames #erikaishii #davidbowie #NaughtyDog #neocortex #abouttime #crashyan #paulyan #danneil #bridget #catbat #Crash
Rachel McAdams On Dining In The Dark | CONAN on TBS https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1752953/global-beauties/
#aconversationwithconano'brien #AboutTime #bestmomentsofconan #CelebrityInterviews #comedy #conan(tvseries) #conanbest #conanbestmoments #conanbrien #conanclassic #conanfunniest #conanfunniestmoments #conanfunnyinterviews #conano'brian #conanontbs #conanremotes #fanfavorite #funnymomentsonconan #latenight #LateShow #RachelMcAdams #StandupComedy #talkshow #talkshowhosts #TBS #tbs(tvchannel) #top10conan #レイチェル・マクアダムス
#aconversationwithconano #abouttime #bestmomentsofconan #celebrityinterviews #comedy #conan #conanbest #conanbestmoments #conanbrien #conanclassic #conanfunniest #conanfunniestmoments #conanfunnyinterviews #conano #conanontbs #conanremotes #fanfavorite #funnymomentsonconan #latenight #lateshow #rachelmcadams #standupcomedy #talkshow #talkshowhosts #tbs #top10conan #レイチェル・マクアダムス
Finally, some small progress with the Cifer. Managed to get the 68k board partially working by removing a 74LS166 which allows the 68k CPU to start. This activates the IEEE488 bus. But if the SASI controller is connected this stops the bus working. So there's a fault on the SASI board somewhere. But at least the system is now looking for a hard disk even if there's no card installed... #retrocomputing #cifer #abouttime
#abouttime #cifer #retrocomputing
A judge equates Ron DeSantis (in his attacks on Florida education) with Big Brother #abouttime https://betterlivingthroughbeowulf.com/ron-desantis-is-watching-you/
I never thought this day would come. #trumpindicted #trumpindictment #abouttime
#trumpindicted #trumpindictment #abouttime
@JoesBrat3067 LOL I ran errands and I come home and this news greets me - yayyyyy! #AboutTime
Rachel McAdams Evolution https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1665929/global-beauties/
#AMostWantedMan #AboutTime #actorevolution #actress #Film #MEANGIRLS #MidnightinParis #morningglory #movieactress #movieevolution #MOVIESTAR #RachelMcAdams #Rachelmcadamsfilms #rachelmcadamsiceskating #rachelmcadamsmovies #rachelmcadamssocialmedia #ReginaGeorge #ReginaGeorgeRachelmcadams #SherlockHolmes #Shorts #socialmedia #TheNotebook #TheTimeTraveler’sWife #TikTok #transformation #TrueDetective #WeddingCrashers #レイチェル・マクアダムス
#amostwantedman #abouttime #actorevolution #actress #film #meangirls #midnightinparis #morningglory #movieactress #movieevolution #moviestar #rachelmcadams #rachelmcadamsfilms #rachelmcadamsiceskating #rachelmcadamsmovies #rachelmcadamssocialmedia #reginageorge #reginageorgerachelmcadams #sherlockholmes #shorts #socialmedia #thenotebook #thetimetraveler #tiktok #transformation #truedetective #weddingcrashers #レイチェル・マクアダムス
Millions of Australians have buy, now pay later (#BNPL) accounts, but the easy credit may soon be harder to come by, with the government promising an industry crackdown by the end of the year. #ausecon #aboutTime
This seems more than appropriate ...
#colorado #guncontrol #abouttime
First delivery from the UK since Royal Mail collapse and subsequent reboot. #BluRay #PhysicalMedia #abouttime
#bluray #physicalmedia #abouttime
Today’s great news! #democrats #blacklivesmatter #blackmastodon #congress #abouttime #news @NYTimes
#democrats #blacklivesmatter #blackmastodon #congress #abouttime #news
Aquest any en farà deu que es va estrenar la pel·lícula “About Time” de Richard Curtis. La frase final és: “Tots viatgem junts a través del temps, cada dia de les nostres vides. Només podem esforçar-nos per fruir d'aquest gran viatge”. Desitjo que gaudiu molt del viatge de la vida aquest any que comença… #Bonanynou #Bonany2023 #cinema #AboutTime
#bonanynou #bonany2023 #cinema #abouttime
Aquest any en farà deu que es va estrenar la pel·lícula “About Time” de Richard Curtis. La frase final és: “Tots viatgem junts a través del temps, cada dia de les nostres vides. Només podem esforçar-nos per fruir d'aquest gran viatge”. Desitjo que gaudiu molt del viatge de la vida aquest any que comença… #Bonanynou #Bonany2023 #cinema #AboutTime
#bonanynou #bonany2023 #cinema #abouttime
For the first time Meta has been accused by the EU of abusing its dominant position re classified ads. Law enforcement is the new black
#abouttime #antitrust #meta #eu
#eu #meta #antitrust #abouttime