NDTV · @ndtv
39 followers · 1692 posts · Server india.goonj.xyz

"We have a suggestion to break the impasse. Can the LG and CM sit down and give an agreeable candidate? So that the person can be appointed for DERC (Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission)," the court said.


#ltgovernor #chiefminister #above #supremecourt

Last updated 1 year ago

getmisch · @GetMisch
42 followers · 554 posts · Server masto.nyc

World wide, studies suggest that subway cars pull bad air down into the system where it lingers, despite cars passing through (the "piston effect"). Think I'll start taking the fairy to work again, perhaps
in the ! 100 gothamist.com/news/think-nyc-a

#air #quality #subway #stations #worse #than #street #index #above #unhealthy #ride #bus #commute #straphanger #ferry #fairy #maize #maze #happy #pride

Last updated 1 year ago


Last updated 2 years ago

WordofTheHour · @wordofthehour
2228 followers · 34277 posts · Server botsin.space

: on or over the upper surface

- French: au dessus

- German: über

- Italian: addirittura

- Portuguese: acima / em cima

- Spanish: encima


Report an incorrect translation @ wordofthehour.org/r/translatio


Last updated 2 years ago

getmisch · @GetMisch
34 followers · 370 posts · Server masto.nyc

This, ya gotta love. These don't even have a red seal, they're just uncirculated $2 bills, which are easy to find because everybody gets one and puts it in a drawer. And he's sold 26 like this, for $5!
Go to your local bank & when you take out money, ask for some 2$ bills - they're FREE, people! No, forget that, keep paying this guy in Jersey. He deserves the fleece. LOL

#currency #currently #selling #above #face #SOME #reason #ebay #fleece #grift #gift #money

Last updated 2 years ago

Von · @von
189 followers · 967 posts · Server social.lol
Shannon Green · @shannongreen
18 followers · 199 posts · Server universeodon.com

It's my and to while we (for instance). She can have the of her, all the showing her the answer - but because she doesn't what she's looking at or how to it she can't see the answer or how to get to it. She puts and into herself, getting upset, instead of focusing on what is infront of her that holds the .

I thought this was an interesting for what a lot of still tend to do as when faced with things they do not comprehend or can not the answer they .


to and to

#interesting #observing #child #learning #trying #comprehend #homeschool #math #answer #right #infront #tools #know #approach #energy #emotion #frustrating #key #metaphor #humans #adults #find #seek #lessonsinlove #grateful #daily #reflection #thankyou #stop #breathe #often #observe #have #compassion #connect #higherself #spirit #just #be #rise #above #see

Last updated 2 years ago

The Laughing Muse · @thelaughingmuse
285 followers · 4329 posts · Server mastodon.lol

“How to so be it in ?”
“It is being to yourself, to those about you in the near and far; to the great and small of the , the , and the , and to the , and themselves.
Including all and all is it being to the One God Above All Gods, for the God is .”

#sdtps #paradigm #goodness #lifeforms #air #land #waters #above #tibtm114

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
67 followers · 15876 posts · Server masthead.social

Is ?

The term live food does not refer to eating alive, but rather , , and , *** approximately 115 , consumed for optimizing , , as well as delicious taste.

The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply plants such as ..



#leaves #raw_harvested #reversing_disease #health #degrees_Fahrenheit #above #not_heated #vegetarian_foods #sprouted #uncooked #raw #critters #Live_Food #what

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
67 followers · 15876 posts · Server masthead.social

Is ?

The term live food does not refer to eating alive, but rather , , and , *** approximately 115 , consumed for optimizing , , as well as delicious taste.

The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply plants such as ..



#leaves #raw_harvested #reversing_disease #health #degrees_Fahrenheit #above #not_heated #vegetarian_foods #sprouted #uncooked #raw #critters #Live_Food #what

Last updated 2 years ago

georg_eckmayr · @georg_eckmayr
1 followers · 66 posts · Server aaart.social

Let’s go.

#snow #above #2000m

Last updated 2 years ago

🤯 :rebellion:😶

BIG ASK: Please on . Quickly.

[, ? ? don't? is too, other followers.]

Maximum Verbosity below, char limits, possible cred. You be the judge.


(Sorry, can't do OP: e.g.:)

⟨ " Small wonder that, from the beginning, the internet has been a fight between those who [...]

...standard protocols exert powerful network effects on corporations. When everyone is adhering to a standard, when everything can talk to everything else, then it's hard to lure[...]

The enclosure of online communities can't be understood without also understanding the policy choices that [...]

These are the laws and technologies that transform network effects from a tool --" ⟩

This piece by @pluralistic is so worth the read to understand: much of the : ---


...? Money? Liberty?


I particularly [😍 for =="loved"] this part:

⟨ " The Fediverse's foundation is ... This means that Activitypub is actually as good as its architects could make it, free from boobytraps laid by scheming monopolists. " ⟩ ---Or Style Guides.

.. which was the point I was trying to make @ infosec.exchange/@aniltj/10953 to ensure support for and existence of...

I would also note that in the early part of the work on and , we had the same type of dismissal taking place -- Though now, we have moved into the phase were ...

Big Question:

to search on your own, or a clue as to what is happening in the text?

Had to from another server with a .... different character limit. Now I have all this room here and it *still* wasn't enough.

Want to share. .


? ? -tip? Does that even... no.

Or just:
1) Click on the very nice button in the upper...nea...

Or Just:
1) Click on the shiny red button of doom that appears cutely in the...center of the[...]

Or just:
2) You can also @ the user but sometimes ....

Is *this* the feed you want?

Which open standard reaches my people here and elsewhere and in between? for but some report... or don't report... distressing numbers.

BIG ASK: Please .

@[REDACTED]@retro.pizza is [REDACTED]. I thought you knew.

I man, that account is my regular but I don't check here much lately and that just leads to awkward explana---yes.

Yes, I get, the .

for ?

2332 chars left here. Go on? @admin?

#advise #hashtags #above #below #poll #just #punctuation #weird #dontknowhowto #community #pronouns #liberty #brevity #verifiablecredentials #dids #import #WrongAccount #heydevs #learning #experience #BestTool #protip #pro #youknow #fedi #cheers #openstandards #clients #boostPlzResponse #not #yesThatOne #irony #cw

Last updated 2 years ago

Cloudspeakers · @cloudspeakers
208 followers · 19 posts · Server bol.social

today's track of the day

above & beyond & marty longstaff & maor levi - chains - maor levi remix
:spotify: open.spotify.com/track/2YVPBHL &beyond&martylongstaff&maorlevi

#above #np #newmusic #music

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Griffith · @seeoh2
139 followers · 27 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

The airborne simulator AirSWOT was flown in 2017 as part of the Arctic boreal Vulnerability Experiment Surface Water Ocean Topography

#above #swot

Last updated 2 years ago

WordofTheHour · @wordofthehour
2006 followers · 31462 posts · Server botsin.space

: on or over the upper surface

- French: dessus

- German: über

- Italian: addirittura

- Portuguese: acima / em cima

- Spanish: encima


Report an incorrect translation @ wordofthehour.org/r/translatio


Last updated 2 years ago

Adam Vagyok · @psztrnk
274 followers · 566 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Cool new lets you see from as it looked ago

The era of fingertip has really taken the novelty out of views, but a new tool is putting the back in aerial , letting Toronto dive back through the books to compare our sprawling high-rise city of today with its humble .


#toronto #above #generations #satellite #imagery #aerial #city #fun #mapping #history #origins #tool

Last updated 2 years ago

Tobias · @analyriker
34 followers · 31 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Feeling everything so strongly at the moment: Crying while being sad while being happy while being confused while being anxious while being content while being nervous while being numb. It’s so awesome, that I hate it.

#depressed #bipolar #sensitive #above #annoyed

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
86 followers · 13733 posts · Server masthead.social

What is the between and

..All I have seen so far is . From Governments. to officials, DEA, CIA, all agencies.

to the rule =

..including SOME American citizens themselves. Its to watch.


WE know each other VERY well:)

Failure(s) are simply stepping stones to BIGTIME OF WHICH OF THE WILL NEVER TASTE.


#above #many #success #BEST_FRIEND #Disturbing #fbi #exception #INCOMPENTANCE #incompetence #failure #difference

Last updated 2 years ago