#GeraldCastillo, best known as the father of A.C. Slater on #SavedByTheBell, died May 4 at 90. Castillo was convinced to move to Hollywood by #ShermanHemsley and he made his on screen debut on #TheJeffersons. Castillo's notable TV credits include #HillStreetBlues, #KnotsLanding, #GeneralHospital, #AllInTheFamily, #BarnabyJones, #MASH, #Dynasty, #NightCourt, #Dallas, #Hunter and #CSICrimeSceneInvestigation. Film credits include #DeathWish4, #DeltaForce2 and #AboveSuspicion. #RIP
#geraldcastillo #savedbythebell #shermanhemsley #thejeffersons #hillstreetblues #knotslanding #generalhospital #allinthefamily #barnabyjones #mash #dynasty #nightcourt #dallas #hunter #csicrimesceneinvestigation #deathwish4 #deltaforce2 #abovesuspicion #rip
I just watched Above Suspicion https://trakt.tv/movies/305679 #AboveSuspicion #trakt #CouchPal #Movie
#movie #couchpal #trakt #abovesuspicion
#AboveSuspicion, new film based on a real story of the first FBI agent convicted of murder. Emilia Clarke stars.
Emilia Clarke is outstanding in #AboveSuspicion. Based on a true story. #MovieReview