I'm speaking tonight at the Global ABP DOTNET Conference!🎉
Don't miss out on this jam-packed #dotnet conference!
I'll be on at 5:45 pm AWST / 9:45 am UTC speaking about Azure Static Web Apps with .NET! 🚀
Check it out 👇
#dotnet #azure #staticwebapps #abpconf23
RT abpframework: 🎙️ "Chopping the Monolith!" Join our #ABPConference speaker @\nicolas_frankel and learn how to enhance your app's performance by breaking it down into microservices.https://abp.io/conference/speakers/nicolas-frankel🚀#Earlybird offer ends Friday, April 21.
#abpconference #earlybird #abpconf23 #microservices #monolith #dotnet