Warmest morning of the season in middle Rio Grande valley. 75ºF with a dew point of 57º. Monsoon weather? #ABQwx
The smell of smoke is strong this morning—never a good sign.
AQI monitors in area read green.
Wonder if this is related to all the firetrucks that drove down the street about an hour ago? Yikes, a county pumper just went by, so I guess that's a "yes."
🧊 Freeze Warning New Mexico 🧊
Protect vulnerable plants, pipes, and pets.
I'm not expecting it to get too cold here in the north valley, but drained my irrigation pump so I won't have to worry about it.
The wind is really howling. Suddenly realized I needed to charge everything up just in case.
PNM is reporting power outages spanning all across Albuquerque on Sunday, Feb. 26. The outages are due to high winds throughout the state.
Outage report as of 3:30 p.m. Feb. 26
ABQ NE: 2,452 customers without power
ABQ NW: 4,085 customers without power
ABQ SE: 2,768 customers without power
PNM customers who are experiencing outages are encouraged to report the outage by texting #OUT to 78766. Restoration updates are available via text after texting #ALERT to 78766.
#WinterStorm #PNM #PowerOutage #Albuquerque #NMwx #ABQwx #HighWinds
#out #alert #winterstorm #pnm #poweroutage #albuquerque #nmwx #abqwx #highwinds
@BramMeehan @trabern @davepolaschek Hang in there Santa Fe. The average wind speed has dropped 14mph now that the squall line has passed and I'm not hearing any major gusts (knock on wood). Most of the white in the yard is styrofoam, single-use bags, and junk mail, not snow LOL #ABQwx
Oh, oh. Those high winds that they have been predicting just blew in. #abqwx