David D. Hopkins · @daviddhopkins
2 followers · 2 posts · Server me.dm

Putting the final touches on a podcast and article from my wisdom literature series where we will discuss how the Abrahamic religions can come together to inspire unity and promote positive change. Should be released tomorrow

#abrahamicreligions #unity #inspiration #islam #christianity #judiasm

Last updated 2 years ago

wonky lines & squiggles · @wonkylines
30 followers · 280 posts · Server mas.to

Broadly speaking, my interests are the universe, humans and other living organisms, so I've been passionate about esp.
I don't claim advanced or extensive knowledge of any of these. I've been learning bits and pieces, focusing on certain aspects and areas within these fields.

#socialjustice #abrahamicreligions #religiousstudies #neurodiversity #neuroscience #philosophy #sociology #psychology #linguistics #anthropology #abiogenesis #evolution #astrophysics

Last updated 2 years ago