4648 AR: Harbingers of Fate founded (#Absalom)*
Founded by Lord #Garron to bring about the prophecies foretold in the Book of 1,000 Whispers and re-trigger the promised Age of Glory.
#HarbingersOfFate #4648AR
#absalom #garron #harbingersoffate #4648ar
Willowside, Isle of Kortos, Absalom
#Willowside #IsleOfKortos #Absalom #Welt
#willowside #isleofkortos #absalom #welt
Die #RPGaDay2023 Antwort (16) RPG I wish I owned? Das ist wohl #Ptolus #MonteCook's City by the Spire" - #DnD5e kompatibel, aber vor allem ein auf eine Stadt konzentriertes #Worldbuilding, das #Absalom auf #Golarion übertrifft, mindestens vom Umfang her. Als Ebook erschwinglich https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/344033/Ptolus-Monte-Cooks-City-by-the-Spire Als Hardcover ein Trumm, das Markus Plötz von #UlissesSpiele leider für deutsch unpublizierbar hält: https://amzn.to/3DXcfqH Falls mir das jemand schenken will? Nur zu! #pnpde
#rpgaday2023 #Ptolus #montecook #dnd5e #worldbuilding #absalom #Golarion #UlissesSpiele #pnpde
Oathday: Metro-Cathedral Hymns (#Absalom)
Every Oathday Abadaran priests play hymns on the Metro-Cathedral's giant pipe organ to remind all of Absalom to honor their pacts.
1298 AR: Starwatch Keep construction begins (#Absalom)*
Construction began after the nearby Postern Gate was nearly breached during the Siege of Prophets. https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Starwatch_Keep
#StarwatchKeep #SiegeOfProphets #1298AR
#absalom #starwatchkeep #siegeofprophets #1298ar
1 Arodus: Passion of the First Siege (#Absalom)
This festival sees huge parades with revelers dressed as either Absalom's original guards or as minotaurs, harpies, and centaurs converging on the #Irorium in a mock battle.
Oathday: Metro-Cathedral Hymns (#Absalom)
Every Oathday Abadaran priests play hymns on the Metro-Cathedral's giant pipe organ to remind all of Absalom to honor their pacts.
4709 AR: Bounty offered for centaur skins (#Absalom)*
The trademasters of Absalom offered the bounty following attacks by the #Rathangut tribe, sacking caravans and killing travelers.
https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Cangarit #4709AR
Oathday: Metro-Cathedral Hymns (#Absalom)
Every Oathday Abadaran priests play hymns on the Metro-Cathedral's giant pipe organ to remind all of Absalom to honor their pacts.
Grand Convocation (#Absalom)*
Pathfinders from all over attend this convention, sharing their latest finds, exploits, and wonders.
#PathfinderSociety #GrandConvocation
#absalom #pathfindersociety #grandconvocation
Kerrick, Isle of Kortos, Absalom
#Kerrick #IsleofKortos #Absalom #Swardlands #HusnaRiver #GrandCouncilofAbsalom #PerivarAltrusi #Candren #LartressaToulune #Gixx KerrickGrange #Willowside #YalboroughConsortium #OpperVandy
#kerrick #isleofkortos #absalom #swardlands #husnariver #grandcouncilofabsalom #perivaraltrusi #candren #lartressatoulune #gixx #willowside #yalboroughconsortium #oppervandy
Pier's End, Isle of Kortos, Absalom
#PiersEnd #IsleofKortos #Absalom #Dunmire #Escadar
#piersend #isleofkortos #absalom #dunmire #escadar
4698 AR: Earthquake devastates Beldrin's Bluff (#Absalom)*
The bluff ceased to exist when an earthquake, sheared off a large chunk. it became "Precipice Quarter", the poorest, most derelict quarter. https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Precipice_Quarter https://www.deviantart.com/udoncrew/art/Pathfinder-Beldrin-s-Bluff-80379633 #BeldrinsBluff #4698AR
#absalom #beldrinsbluff #4698ar
27 Gozran: Gala of Sails (#Absalom)
This spring carnival is a time of kite flying. Every year the best designs compete in kite-fighting festivals held in local parks. https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Wise_Quarter #GalaofSails
Gedanklich mehr bei Helion, der größten Handelsstadt auf #Karcanon, als in #Absalom auf #Golarion: Handelsherren, und Der Große Basar. - Zwei #Pathfinder bzw #Pathfinder2e Titel mit Anregungen für #Weltenbau fürs #Rollenspiel. Am Ende entwickelt sich etwas eigenes, aber fürs #pnpde - auch wenn es #dnd5e ist - kann Mensch sich ja inspirieren lassen. 😀
#Karcanon #absalom #Golarion #Pathfinder #pathfinder2e #weltenbau #rollenspiel #pnpde #dnd5e
Oathday: Metro-Cathedral Hymns (#Absalom)
Every Oathday Abadaran priests play hymns on the Metro-Cathedral's giant pipe organ to remind all of Absalom to honor their pacts.
5 Gozreh 4691 AR: Ayla Lathenar mauled to death (#Otari, Isle of Kortos, #Absalom)
Her husband, Keeleno closes the Otari Market in her honor on this day. It is open every other day of the year.
#OtariMarket #KeelenoLathenar #AylaLathenar #4691AR
#otari #absalom #otarimarket #keelenolathenar #aylalathenar #4691ar
4381 AR: Construction of #Skyreach completed (#Absalom)*
The five-towered fortress is the most prominent element of the #GrandLodge of Absalom's #PathfinderSociety. Its central tower can be seen for miles around. The #Decemvirate meets here.
https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Skyreach #4381AR
#skyreach #absalom #grandlodge #pathfindersociety #decemvirate #4381ar