Just ended up shaving in the wrong order and forgot several steps. Not one of my best shaves. Ever have like one of those days where you’re in such a fog you whiff even the most basic of tasks?
#wetshaving #shaveoftheday #absentminded #mentalhealth
A friend lost her credit card — she's pretty sure at the gas pump last night.
After the frenzied car searching comes the agonized soul searching. A thing like this can make you question your whole existence.
#absentminded #mistakes #despair
I put my belt away so I'd know where it was when i needed to wear real pants again and now i can't find it😭
I hate when i can't find things.
I had this belt i bought before March 2020, cute with skulls imprinted on it. Several months into staying home, i thought -- i'll put ot here so i can find it. But where is here???
Instead of buying a new one, lemme just wear this one that's going to split in two any day now. 😂
#lost #absentminded #hardpants #pandemic
Phew! Walked into my garage, freaked out when I heard what sounded like a water leak but then realized it was the faucet in there that I’d intentionally set to drip to keep the pipes from freezing #absentminded
Oh wow! I really put out a #mondog on a Friday. #ShiftWork really makes it easy to get the days confused. Anyway this is my Monday as it's my first work day after a few days off :) #AbsentMinded
#mondog #shiftWork #absentminded
Out of the two I would be the coffee but I much rather a good tea blend.
#conversation #absentminded #memes