We don't watch but we've had reports that an shows with signs CASH ONLY. The young couple finally find a that accepts payment. Slogan: 'You don't need 's best network, until you do. ~ "

Every. Damn. AdBreak.

And you know they're not suggesting wallets.

We're being taken for a ride and need to get serious. They really are taking us for now.

#tv #ad #foodStalls #foodStall #smartphone #australia #telstra #bitcoincore #absoluteFools #cbdc #neofeudalism #technofascism #cashlesssociety #surveillance

Last updated 3 years ago

Arc on surface, yes, but in these cases it would make much difference.

Its the way we flatten the globe out using Projection. If you study you'll see there are many ways to project the spherical surface of onto a 2D plane/#map. All have their pros and cons.

To quote a great comedic document…

> "Look what these tell us? This, this and this??? They have played us for !!!"

#mercator #gis #earth #mapMakers #absoluteFools

Last updated 3 years ago