How Cold is #space ?
The average temperature of the #universe is downright cold – right around 3 degrees above #absolutezero.
#space #universe #absolutezero
Net zero is deceptive
We have arrived at the painful realisation that the idea of net zero has licensed a recklessly cavalier “burn now, pay later” approach which has seen carbon emissions continue to soar.
So take a good hard look at your surroundings start where you can because we need to change every single one of us there is no escape.
#netzero #absolutezero #keepitintheground #actnow
Duncan & Matt have produced some great visualisation of the reality which Green House Think Tank has been exploring in it's work:
Related Green House Think Tank Work:
#Limits #growth #degrowth #cartoons #netzero #absolutezero #climatechange #economics #capitalism
#limits #growth #degrowth #cartoons #netzero #absolutezero #climatechange #economics #capitalism
The coldest temperature ever measured in a lab was 38 trillionths of a degree above absolute zero (-273.15°C / -459.67°F).
#science #sciencefacts #absolutezero #kelvin #freezing #cold
#science #sciencefacts #absolutezero #kelvin #freezing #cold