The dumb dumb #absolutist #Fascist #Nazi @elonmusk has kicked me off @Twitter because he can’t even foresee his own logic of having absolutist everything! He wants me to delete my tweet of @khamenei_ir. Nope, not gonna do it! #Elon, have you even done any research on the different types of quran are written out there? Are you seriously backing #khamenei who has hijacked the quran for the subordination of women and girls in society? Are you defending #Khemenei for all the words that he’s written and actions his cronies are caring out? You seriously have no idea of how the world works! All you know is your yes men who always say yes to you and the wealthy and rich people in society, ever since you a wee boy under the wealth of his father’s emerald mining business! You literally can’t relate so why bother?
#absolutist #Fascist #nazi #elon #khamenei #khemenei
It would appear there’s #Twitter #suppression of #bad #news about Twitter on its own platform.
#freespeech #absolutist #elonmusk has no apparent qualms with #unethical #behaviour, yet try to find discussion of Twitter being #sued on his platform. It’s all small pockets of single digit chats.
#BBC, #Guardian, #ArsTechnica, #CNN, #SFGate; millions of followers, not engaging on the #extraordinary #commercial #douchebagery from the #Chief #Twit.
Hilariously, #Elon is happy to #stiff #landlords and #vendors but doesn’t like it being #spoken about.
#twitter #suppression #bad #news #freespeech #absolutist #elonmusk #unethical #behaviour #sued #bbc #guardian #arstechnica #cnn #sfgate #extraordinary #commercial #douchebagery #chief #twit #elon #stiff #landlords #vendors #spoken #free #speech
Free speech is great as long as you control it, right Elon? #authoritarian #absolutist #doucebag
#authoritarian #absolutist #doucebag
Adam Schiff@RepAdamSchiff 16. Dez.2022 :
#Elon #Musk calls himself a #FreeSpeech
#absolutist, to justify turning a #blindeye
to hatred and bigotry on #Twitter.
But when #journalists
report unfavorable #news,
they are #banned without warning.
The #devotion to free #speech is
apparently not that absolute.
But the hypocrisy is."
Schiff leitete einen Großteil der Untersuchungen
zu einem Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump
#elon #musk #freespeech #absolutist #blindeye #twitter #journalists #News #banned #devotion #speech
We are now a #FreeSpeech #absolutist platform!
You wish to discuss the possibility of exploring free speech on another platform.
Well then, is gonna stamp its feet and you will make the #ManBaby #SpaceKaren cry.
We recognize that many of our users are active on other social media platforms. However, we will no longer allow free promotion of certain social media platforms on Twitter.
#SpaceKaren #Manbaby #absolutist #freespeech
Some guy's #FreeSpeech put #SpaceKaren's kid at risk?
I am searching high and low for a fuck to give about a #FreeSpeech #Absolutist being hoisted by his petard..
And can confirm it's none.
#Elmo can't decide now it's Free speech for me but not for the!
#LeopardsAteMyFace #elmo #absolutist #SpaceKaren #freespeech
Becoming clear that the #freespeech absolutist (I would leave it in just plain #Absolutist ) is converting #thebird in the center of #HateSpeech and #FakeNews .
Happy to have left. #leavetwitter
Twitter lifts Donald Trump ban after Elon Musk’s poll
#leavetwitter #FakeNews #HateSpeech #thebird #absolutist #freespeech
#FreedomOfSpeech made by #ElonMusk.
Mehr braucht man über dessen #Gerechtigkeit und Doppelzüngigkeit nicht zu wissen. Undemokratisch wie jeder #Absolutist.
#musk #twitter #deletetwitter #absolutist #gerechtigkeit #elonmusk #freedomofspeech