Charlotte Aten · @caten
93 followers · 68 posts · Server

This week I posted a paper which I basically wrote during my first couple years of graduate school to the arXiv. You can find the preprint "A partition formula from idempotents" at

I feel a bit conflicted about this paper. Even after posting it I'm not sure how interesting it is. I showed the formula obtained therein to several people, including my advisor, while I was in grad school and people seemed generally unsure what to make of it.

Partition numbers are not something I ever studied much. My impression is that there is neither a known elementary formula nor a proof that one cannot exist. I'm not even sure if there is a rigorous, accepted definition of what would constitute a closed-form elementary formula in this context, since lots of fun can be had in summing over neat sets as in this paper.

#numbertheory #algebra #abstractalgebra #RepresentationTheory #combinatorics

Last updated 1 year ago

amen zwa, esq. · @AmenZwa
103 followers · 1140 posts · Server

As an , I take pride in the fact that, although came before us and before them, much of the formalism arose in the 19th Century in the electrical context. Much of engineering theories are shared between EE, ME, and CE, and at the core is and . This video shows one such connection.

#abstractalgebra #vectorcalculus #engineering #ce #me #ee #circuits #mechanical

Last updated 1 year ago

Charlotte Aten · @caten
16 followers · 31 posts · Server

The LOOPS'23 conference on and just concluded. There were lots of great talks, great Polish food, and great people. This palace in Będlewo, Poland was a neat venue at which to study !

#combinatorics #math #universalalgebra #conferences #abstractalgebra #quasigroups #loops

Last updated 1 year ago

Charlotte Aten · @caten
6 followers · 17 posts · Server

Since I have a fair amount of work from before this venture into social media, I'll share some older things I did sometimes.

My first single-author paper was about multiplayer versions of rock-paper-scissors. You can find a copy on arXiv ( which is pretty similar to the version published in the journal Algebra Universalis.

I had the idea for this paper when I was stranded in national park for a month in 2017 after I finished my bachelor's degree. I wanted to explain to my non-mathy friends that I was into and this is what I came up with. There are a lot of connections with tournaments from . You can find videos of me talking about this on YouTube too.

#abstractalgebra #algebra #combinatorics #math #graphtheory #universalalgebra #yosemite

Last updated 1 year ago

David Meyer · @dmm
201 followers · 454 posts · Server

Évariste Galois was a french mathematician who, as a teenager, solved a 350-year-old problem regarding the condition necessary for a polynomial to be solvable by radicals. His work laid a foundation for a major branch of abstract algebra called Galois theory.

in 1832 Galois wrote to a friend accurately predicting that he would die in a duel taking place the next morning. The duel was likely over a woman. In his final letter, Galois describes his work in mathematics and closed with, "Eventually there will be, I hope, some people who will find it profitable to decipher this mess." He was only 20 years old at his death.

[1] "Évariste Galois",

#abstractalgebra #galois #math #onthisday

Last updated 1 year ago

Gramix · @gramix
7 followers · 5 posts · Server

I haven't posted here in so long so let me make a long post about universal side divisors and a generalization of them I'm calling universal side ideals. Some of this I wrote down in a document I made to compile my thoughts on it.

This thread is going to assume that the reader is familiar with basic ring theory. We will have all of the rings discussed here have an identity element. We will focus on commutative rings to make working with ideals much simpler.



#abstractalgebra #ring #RingTheory #algebra

Last updated 2 years ago

nilesh · @nilesh
511 followers · 976 posts · Server

Does someone have a more comprehensive version of this "Algebra Ladder"?

#algebra #mathematics #abstractalgebra

Last updated 2 years ago

Jencel Panic · @abuseofnotation
245 followers · 52 posts · Server

Very good introduction to abstract algebra. Just one remark: why don't such guides cover categories?

#abstractalgebra #grouptheory #math

Last updated 2 years ago

The Metal Dog ✅🤘 · @TheMetalDog
297 followers · 1556 posts · Server

ABSTRAKT ALGEBRA Feat. CANDLEMASS, KING DIAMOND Members See Self-Titled Debut Reissued; Includes Three Bonus Tracks
Abstrakt Algebra's highly sought after self-titled debut album has been remastered and reissued featuring three bonus tracks.

Abstrakt Algebra lineup:

- Bass
- Vocals
- Guitar
- Guitar
- Drums

#leifedling #matsleven #mikewead #simonjohansson #bravewords #abstractalgebra #candlemass #kingdiamond #metal #jejoperkovic #themetaldogarticlelist

Last updated 2 years ago

deilann [he/him] · @deilann
23 followers · 190 posts · Server

I really only have a cursory understanding of the broad strokes of foundational - like I did my undergrad and stint but I didn't get to take and while the joy of getting to engage with is so real it just makes me wish I could even figure out how to go to because gives me so much joy, but I'm pretty sure my grades aren't good enough even if I could some applications. It hurts.

#mathematics #realanalysis #abstractalgebra #topology #mathstodon #graduateschool #algebra #executivefunction

Last updated 2 years ago

tc · @cappallo
3 followers · 13 posts · Server


Sorry, I'll hijack this post for just a second and add: if anyone can a good introductory or online resource for (say around the 1st year grad level), I'd like to hear it! I've been wanting to dive in for years now.

#abstractalgebra #textbook #recommend

Last updated 2 years ago

Gramix · @gramix
4 followers · 4 posts · Server

Good morning! Anyone have cool (specifically ) facts they want to share?

#abstractalgebra #algebra

Last updated 2 years ago

Gramix · @gramix
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

Hey everyone!

My name is Jesse, and I am an undergraduate student of and . I really enjoy the most out of the disciplines I've studied. I mainly self-taught myself a good portion of topics from a first year semester of (, , , and some basics of ), I plan to take a course next semester, and I am also trying to learn currently on the side. Glad to be here!

#introduction #universalalgebra #RingTheory #galoistheory #fields #rings #groups #abstractalgebra #math #algebra #computerscience #mathematics

Last updated 2 years ago

aliivibrio · @aliivibrio
3 followers · 2 posts · Server
jprbarry · @jprbarry
47 followers · 851 posts · Server

It's been a while since I was excited to read a textbook. Yesterday I bought this book from a thrift store. The book is excellently written and helps make seem more fun and accessible while keeping mathematical rigour. It also includes a great, short history of modern algebra in the first chapter.

#mathematics #abstractalgebra #math #maths #ModernAlgebra

Last updated 3 years ago