I've been having a lot of fun making these really tedious videos:
Music: "Salongo" by Niholoxica https://nihiloxica.bandcamp.com/album/kaloli
#animation #abstractanimation #texture #niholoxica
I've been making these pointless videos, using other people's music. Like I say, they're pointless, but I've been really into looking at the textures of things lately. Anyway, here's the latest one.
Music: "Mixo World" by Time Wharp https://timewharp.bandcamp.com/album/spiro-world
#animation #abstractanimation #texture
I've been making these videos made up of simple animated loops and other people's music. Here's one.
Music: Błoto, "Mitomania" https://bloto.bandcamp.com/album/kwasy-i-zasady
#animation #AbstractAnimation #MathArt #geomety #IsometricArt #graffiti
#animation #abstractanimation #mathart #geomety #isometricart #graffiti
I've been making these glacially paced, very repetitive videos out of simple animated loops and other people's music. (Why? I'm not really sure, but I'm enjoying it.) Anyway, here's one.
Music: "Unwritten rules" by ILL CONSIDERED
#animation #AbstractAnimation #StreetArt #StreetPhotography #geometry #MathArt #IllConsidered
#animation #abstractanimation #streetart #streetphotography #geometry #mathart #illconsidered
Music: "Unwritten rules" by ILL CONSIDERED
#animation #AbstractAnimation #StreetArt #StreetPhotography #geometry #MathArt
#animation #abstractanimation #streetart #streetphotography #geometry #mathart
“To most of us music suggests definite mental images of form and color.” An Optical Poem (1938)
Feels way ahead of its time.
#animation #AbstractAnimation #OskarFischinger #1938 #StopMotionAnimation #FranzLiszt #HungarianRhapsodyNo2 #AvantGarde #GeometricShapes
#geometricshapes #avantgarde #hungarianrhapsodyno2 #franzliszt #stopmotionanimation #oskarfischinger #abstractanimation #animation
Here's a version with music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvrtIwQnS4w
Music: Harry Roesli Gang, Prolog: https://harryroesligang.bandcamp.com/album/titik-api