#IndieAuthorNews #News #AbuDhabi #AbuDhabiArabicLanguageCenter #Arabic #BookPrize #DrAliBinTamim #Translation #Translators #UnitedArabEmirates
Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre Forms Its 2023 Scientific Committee
The 10-person scientific committee constituted for this year by the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre is led by Dr. Ali Bin Tamim.
The post Abu Dhabi Arabic Language C...
#indieauthornews #news #abudhabi #abudhabiarabiclanguagecenter #arabic #bookprize #dralibintamim #translation #translators #unitedarabemirates
#IndieAuthorNews #News #AbuDhabi #AbuDhabiArabicLanguageCenter #Arabic #BookPrize #BritishCentreforLiteraryTranslation #DrAliBinTamim #NationalCentreforWriting
Sheikh Zayed Book Award Translation Program Returns for 2023
The Sheikh Zayed Book Award-sponsored program runs July 23-t0-29 in association with the British Centre for Literary Translation.
The post Sheikh Zayed Book Award Tra...
#indieauthornews #news #abudhabi #abudhabiarabiclanguagecenter #arabic #bookprize #britishcentreforliterarytranslation #dralibintamim #nationalcentreforwriting
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #AbuDhabi #AbuDhabiArabicLanguageCenter #Algeria #Arabic #Authors #BookPrize #Egypt #Fiction #InternationalPrizeforArabicFiction #Jordan
The International Prize for Arabic Fiction’s 2023 Longlist
Nine markets are represented by the 16 longlisted books selected by the 2023 jury of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction.
The post The International Prize for...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #abudhabi #abudhabiarabiclanguagecenter #algeria #arabic #authors #bookprize #egypt #fiction #internationalprizeforarabicfiction #jordan