Republicans running around telling Americans to calm down with our reactions to their RECKLESS, DANGEROUS, SADISTIC and VIOLENT behaviors towards disempowered Americans (women, black and brown people, LGTbqia, non Christians,) is
Classic post-abuse #abuser tactics.
And we aren’t falling for it.
We will NEVER vote for the #GOP ever, again. You inflicted #MAGA on US.
and we are coming for you.
#gop #RoeYourVote #maga #abuser
Wrote about it on our Ko-fi:
#Blog #Kofi #Poverty #Comrades #Community #Unsafe #Queer #Autistic #Betrayal #Abuser #Boundaries #NEISvoid #LongCovid #AidNeeded
#blog #kofi #poverty #comrades #Community #unsafe #queer #autistic #betrayal #abuser #boundaries #NEISvoid #LongCovid #aidneeded
RT @LadyDiabolique
Premiering Today at 12 PM EST!!!
@scrowder Is Far More Manipulative & Dangerous Than Anyone Guessed W/ @BeyondSafewords (Disk Horse)
RT @LadyDiabolique
Premiering Tomorrow at 12 PM EST!!!
@scrowder Is Far More Manipulative & Dangerous Than Anyone Guessed W/ @BeyondSafewords (Disk Horse)
RT @ZenaAndPoppy
Premiering Tomorrow at 12 PM EST!!!
@scrowder Is Far More Manipulative & Dangerous Than Anyone Guessed W/ @BeyondSafewords (Disk Horse)
"Anyways #remember that time that #JKRowling, who has never spoken to an #indigenous #American #person in her whole #life, was like "but what if the #Natives had four #schools and they were also bloodthirsty savages who started the #residential schools with their #fictional beings as their #mascots and #Christians weren't actually at fault" right at the time when we started getting some traction around getting #recognition for the heinous #crimes that were the mass graves of #children, then went on to make a whole spin-off #franchise in America using that """lore""" and #rhetoric, where the one #wizard guy who tried to stop the #Holocaust from happening was #villainized and played by Johnny #Depp (who played #Tonto in the Lone Ranger and said he was going to buy the Black Hills and Wounded Knee and "give it back to #Lakota people" then never did that at all) and who she later defended as saying he wasn't a domestic #abuser because she believed him over a #woman who has since been #proven to be telling the #truth several times over?
The woman's a #violent #colonizer."
#remember #jkrowling #indigenous #american #person #life #natives #schools #residential #fictional #mascots #christians #recognition #crimes #children #franchise #rhetoric #wizard #holocaust #villainized #depp #tonto #lakota #abuser #woman #proven #truth #violent #colonizer
Sometimes I watch videos like this, and I feel stupid as fuck for having been convinced for so long that my last #abuser was a good person (and that, consequently, I was a bad one).
When I think back to the recent conversations about #narcissism, where #narcissists and their #enablers attempted to convince me (at first with arguments and then with insults) that narcissism is a #neurotype, I can see these same patterns replaying themselves.
They will literally convince well-meaning folks that they're trustworthy, and after that, it becomes an easy task to convince others (especially other #neurodiverse folks familiar with the #abuse that comes from having your mental processes stigmatized), that their mental illness is just "who they are" and that they ought to be accepted as they are.
Accepting others as they are is ostensibly a good thing. But when what they want you to accept is #abusive #behavior, that's just #gaslighting. There is no #socialJustice in that. It is, at best, a perversion of social justice. At worst, it's directly harmful to #survivors of #narcissistic abuse.
Narcissism isn't who anyone is. It's a #maladaptive #coping #strategy that can't be tolerated. Without #change, what you have is a person who does harm to those around them, even if they don't mean to. And "not meaning to cause harm" is still causing harm. If someone can't help but cause you harm, that's objectively bad, and I can only see a narcissist being able to rationalize it to be otherwise.
#abuser #narcissism #narcissists #enablers #neurotype #neurodiverse #abuse #abusive #behavior #gaslighting #socialjustice #survivors #narcissistic #maladaptive #coping #strategy #change
I am really done caring about the reasons these people have for being pro-#abuser. I really am. They say they're just concerned about #narcissism being stigmatized. But they totally aren't silencing abuse #survivors...
Except that's exactly what they're doing when they tell me to stop talking about my abuse. They don't care about abuse #victims or survivors because they come here, to a survivor's feed, with their fake, fascistic #outrage, throwing out insults and easily falsifiable claims, and when they realize their #harassment on my feed isn't working, they go to their own feeds to spread the harassment out. Just like #fascists on Twitter do.
But the problem is that their harassment is working. Because now, I'm not OK. Now, I'm angry, feeling #gaslighted as fuck, and livid at my own #community for failing its own on such a fundamental fucking level.
So, seriously, whether you're pro-#pedophilia, pro-#zoophilia, or pro-narcissism, leave me the fuck alone. You should be ashamed of your position, but if your shamelessness is so great that you can't understand the simple facts that pedophilia and zoophilia are not sexual #orientations or that narcissism is not a #neurotype, then at least have the decency to take your unscientific and harmful bullshit elsewhere.
This is a safe space for survivors of abuse. This is not a safe space for #narcissists and their #enablers.
Thanks. Now, as one of you so kindly told me, see yourself out. 👋
#abuser #narcissism #survivors #victims #outrage #harassment #fascists #gaslighted #community #pedophilia #zoophilia #orientations #neurotype #narcissists #enablers
I'm now going head to head with brand new Indiginews editor because my friend quit being their editor due to clashes in ethics. I am NOT OK with them using a white ass lying pretendian & sex work recruiter as a spotlight person! I'm not going to be fucking quiet about it. Pretendian is using their article as 'foot in' to many vulnerable native communities across Canada. Grooms naive girls by trying to buy them, first.
#UnsafePerson #Exploiter #Abuser #BeAware #SayNO
#unsafeperson #exploiter #abuser #beaware #SayNo
Apparently, it's #ableist to say that your #abuser was a #narcissist when they literally fit the dictionary definition of the word.
But it's definitely not ableist to tell a person with #PTSD to fuck off because they stand up for themselves when you call them "the problem" for calling their abuser what they are.
Who knew?
#White #leftists and their constant #purity tests are EXHAUSTING.
#ableist #abuser #narcissist #ptsd #white #leftists #purity
TFW your #abuser's cousin, who grew up with them, likes your post where you call your abuser a #narcissist.
I'm confused, but also feeling very validated and seen right now. Wow. 💙
#abuser #narcissist #psychology #abuse #narcissism
I've been learning a lot about #narcissism lately because of the fact that my last #abuser was a #covert #narcissist.
I've also been well aware of how extensively I was used as a #bulldog and as a #sledgehammer. My abuser would #gaslight and #guilt me into attacking other folks that I had no issue with because they were hurt by the #target (either today or 20 years ago) and deserved some sort of #punishment.
Today I finally found some #insight into my role as a self-serving #enabler, a person who enables others' narcissistic #abuse because, although I too was being #abused (and pretty fucking badly), I received some benefit from the relationship with the narcissist that led me not only to stay but also to throw others under the bus in order to maintain that #toxic #relationship. All because of that perceived benefit.
I'd say "I feel attacked," but I'm taking this pretty seriously because it's a pattern I replayed with my mother earlier in life, enabling her grandiose narcissism by attacking the people who "hurt" her.
What benefit, then, was so important that I was willing to sell my soul for it? My abuser gave me a lot of #attention during a time when I felt incredibly #alone. My abuser also curated and eagerly moderated my relationships with their #friends and #family. And when I didn't or couldn't behave by their standards, they pulled away, often taking their friends and family with them and #isolating me in a state where I didn't really have the #spoons left (due to the #abuse) to build any relationships away from them.
My abuser used this power to great effect once I decided I was no longer tolerating or #enabling their behavior, cutting me off from everyone I'd known and cared about and #lying about their abuse of me, claiming instead that I was the abuser and they the #victim (they've had a long-standing pattern of #victimization by practically everyone in their life, whether or not these people were actually #abusive).
It took a very, very long time to rid myself of the now-#internalized belief that I was to #blame for everything that had happened to me, and I couldn't have done it without my friends and the #mental #health #professionals that treated me.
Having been responsible for hurting so many others because of my fear of losing all of the social connections and relationships that my abuser moderated sucks to know. I've apologized to some of the folks I hurt in my enabling of my abusers narcissistic abuse of others, but there's many more who I'll never get the chance to apologize to. And these folks have the absolute right to not want me in their lives ever again. Enablers are awful people sometimes, and I was pretty fucking awful when my abuser demanded it. I can #empathize with myself, but none of this excuses me, and I am owed nothing by those I've hurt for my own benefit within a toxic relationship.
I don't know when, if ever, I'll be able to wholly #forgive myself either. Maybe one day, but only by keeping the energy I have now and continuing to #grow as the person I've decided to be going forward, during this novel (for me) absence of narcissists in my life. And by making amends by raising up and serving those around me now to the best of my ability.
#Healing is a long, painful road, and it's hard to imagine what its end may look like. Maybe it never reaches one. I can live with that.
#narcissism #abuser #covert #narcissist #bulldog #SledgeHammer #gaslight #guilt #target #punishment #insight #enabler #abuse #abused #toxic #relationship #attention #alone #friends #family #isolating #spoons #enabling #lying #victim #victimization #abusive #internalized #blame #mental #health #professionals #empathize #forgive #grow #healing #joan #psychology
For those who don't follow #College #Basketball, Texas was supposed to wither and die this year. They had the hottest coach in the country, but he wound up being a piece of shit who beat up his fiance and caught a federal charge in the process. He was supposed to be #TooBigToFire, but Texas made the right choice and fired their big name coach. Everyone picked Texas to crumble without Chris Beard.
Without the #Abuser, Texas placed #2 in the Big 12, and now are 3 minutes away from the title. Wow.
#college #basketball #toobigtofire #abuser
The sociopath roommate goes out of her way to lie about using the kitchen and having dirty dishes. She's even posted photo's of her dishes in her room. One member of her family including her cooks daily. And they use the kitchen the most out of all of us. Not so strangely, the sociopath is the only person the narcissistic LL doesn't insult. When I saw the love bombing I knew she was a piece of work. #lovebombing #abuser #manipulative #cunning #charming #home #family #dysfunctional
#lovebombing #abuser #manipulative #cunning #charming #home #family #dysfunctional
The sociopath roommates passive aggressive behavior is more than just not knowing how to manage difficult emotions and conflict. Its hostile and overly dramatic. She enlists others to bully and shames people publicly to add pressure to others. My LL sees this as normal so she supports the delusions of her own importance. She enjoys inflicting harm. She's not a murderer but she is a sociopath. #mothers #parenting #abuser #psychopath #narcissist #landlord #conflict #war #passiveaggressive #advice
#mothers #parenting #abuser #psychopath #narcissist #landlord #Conflict #war #passiveaggressive #advice
The sociopath roommate and the narcissist landlord reinforce each others pathologies like a folie a deux. Everyone is held captive by their anti social behavior which they see as superior to everyone else. #mentalillness #sociopath #abuser #domesticviolence #hoarding
#mentalillness #sociopath #abuser #domesticviolence #hoarding
While my landlord overtly insults, name calls and criticizes us, my roommate covertly manipulates and abuses. She is much worse than the landlord. #sociopath #abuser #abuse #emotionalabuse #manipulate #racist #narcissist #housing
#sociopath #abuser #abuse #Emotionalabuse #manipulate #racist #narcissist #housing
My sociopath roommate speaks and acts like a small child. The way she talks is strange, almost word salad like. She doesn't appear smart but she is very calculated and cunning. She spies, manipulates, lies, steals, fights. It might seem like she's easy to spot but she also love bombs and keeps to herself enough that it takes months to years to finally confront her on her behavior. She then goes into PR where she systemically takes people down one by one. #sociopath #narcissist #abuser
#sociopath #narcissist #abuser
@Stark9837 The one I'm watching is set in #Australia, so hopefully there's no connection with the #abuser, Depp.
I will NEVER let the world forget how #kamalaharris is protecting nazis, predators, pedophiles, rapists, child molestors, child traffickers while ignoring the #ethniccleansing of Black life and other marginalized populations in America. May you reap as you sow. There will NEVER be an excuse for your behavior. #LolitaExpress #MeToo #Slaver #torture #Liar #Abuser "Liberty" where? #pandorasbox #pandora
#kamalaharris #ethniccleansing #lolitaexpress #metoo #slaver #torture #liar #abuser #pandorasbox #pandora