@TheDoctor512 Vorallem weil diese sich selbst nicht daran halten und #AbuseReports ignorieren.
Nur #Mail, #YahooMail und besonders #Microsoft haven diese Form von #Arschlochtum und sind deshalb für den überwiegenen Teil an #Spam verantwortlich!
#spam #arschlochtum #Microsoft #yahoomail #Mail #abusereports
*nodds in agreement*
I'm more pissed off by #RogueISP|s that refuse to react to duely-made and legitimate #abuse reports.
For example, #GoDaddy literally harbours most of the #Spammers I've to deal with since they don't even bother to react to #AbuseReports at all and instead sent automated replies from a #NoReply adress telling that they won't do jack shite - even if one goes through their arcane #ticketing system to refile as demanded.
#ticketing #noreply #abusereports #spammers #GoDaddy #abuse #RogueISP
@coltofox yeah, I had similar issues ages ago.
#Microsoft are real assholes for being one of the 3 biggest providers (#GMail & #YahooMail are the others) that do demand a shitton from #eMail #hosters yet don't even react to #Spam reports...
Worse are only #GoDaddy that refuse to provide any #WHOIS nor react upon #AbuseReports at all...
#abusereports #whois #GoDaddy #spam #hosters #Email #yahoomail #Gmail #Microsoft
@adlerweb ja, und deswegen verweigere ich mich nicht nur der shice, sondern schaue wie ich deren Systeme komplett blocke...
Werde dazu wohl ne seperate Blocklist baun, damit deren Traffic nicht regelrecht Zeugs DDoS'en kann!
Das Nicht-Bearbeiten von #AbuseReports ist ferner ein Grund weshalb ich #GoDaddy mit draufpacke:
Alle #Spammer die nicht #Microsoft365, #GMail oder #YahooMail nutzen sind erfahrungsgemäß bei denen!
#yahoomail #Gmail #Microsoft365 #spammer #GoDaddy #abusereports
@yawnbox well, then you haven't seen how #GAFAMs like #Microsoft pursue it!
#BigEmail is already a problem as #TooBigToJail causes basically all #Spam to be from #Gmail, #Outlook.com / #Azur #HostedExchange & #YahooMail, as they don't react to #AbuseReports at all!
#abusereports #yahoomail #hostedexchange #azur #outlook #Gmail #spam #tooBigToJail #bigemail #Microsoft #gafams
@jschauma if that's not a de-facto oligopoly then IDK what is.
Also note that #GMail, #Outlook.com & #YahooMail are notorious #Spammers that refuse to handle #AbuseReports but flex their power against smaller providers by looking for excuses to block / reject eMails from them.
And unlike good providers they just blackhole said eMails and don't even say "We won't allow anything without SPF records!" but just flatout block IP ranges and refuse to communicate.
#abusereports #spammers #yahoomail #outlook #Gmail
Was mich ankotzt ist nicht nur dass #Vodafone mir nichtmals ein popeliges /64 zu meinem /29 anbieten mag, sondern auch dass die größten eMail Anbieter weil #TooBigToFail jegliche #AbuseReports ignorieren.
Egal ob #YahooMail, #GoogleMail oder #Outlook ehem. #Hotmail.
#hotmail #outlook #googlemail #yahoomail #abusereports #toobigtofail #Vodafone