To ensure mustangs and burros are protected from #slaughter and #abusive conditions, the BLM must abandon the cash component of this program.
Please take a moment to send a letter to the Director of the #BLM and urge them to stop the cash incentives and instead, offer a veterinary voucher to incentivize #mustang and #burro adoptions!
- American Wildhorse Campaign
#ProtectOurWildlife #HaltTheHelicopters #StopTheRoundups 🐎
#burro #mustang #blm #abusive #slaughter #StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #protectourwildlife
It’s easy to see when #Threads and #twitter are disappointing- my #timeline takes the hit.
When people decide to forgive and forget, they quickly run back to their #abusive platforms, leaving behind their empty places
They disappear
I’m doing some #housekeeping today, and am totally ditching anyone who thinks I’m their backup :gnomeHey:
It’s like work now- if Im forgotten, then I’m going to forget them #TrimTheHerd ✂️
Nice knowing you! 👋🏼🙂
#trimtheherd #housekeeping #abusive #timeline #Twitter #threads
The #Women Taking Down #Abusive #Evangelical Men
Brad speaks with veteran #journalist Sarah Stankorb about her new book Disobedient Women. #Disobedient Women is not just a look at the women who have used the internet to bring down the #religious power structures that were meant to keep them quiet, but also a picture of the large-scale changes that are happening within evangelical culture regarding women’s roles...
#women #abusive #evangelical #journalist #disobedient #religious
#BBC #presenter sent #abusive and #menacing messages to second young person
'the young person - who has no connection to the person at the centre of the Sun's story about payments for photos - said they had been scared by the power the presenter held.
They said the threats made in the messages had frightened them - and they remain scared.
The new allegations of menacing and bullying behaviour by the high-profile presenter raise fresh questions about his conduct.'
#bbc #presenter #abusive #menacing
WTF did I just read? No, being #suicidal is not #narcissistic nor #abusive. And comparing them to #drug #addiction is #uncalled for.
Credit to @adamfare1996 for the screenshot.
#suicidal #narcissistic #abusive #drug #addiction #uncalled
"I'm going to be real, #civilization is just the stupidest #ideology, there is no reason to engage with it. #People that believe that stuff are either not serious or they're actively trying to self promote or just be harmful. I mean, over 350 generations and they still can't get it even vaguely right and they want all of us to not even talk about a #world without their bullshit despite it collapsing around of and on top of us all the time. Like, they're intentionally #gaslighting #everyone right? It's #abusive is what it is. They're like #cult leaders."
#civilization #ideology #people #world #gaslighting #everyone #abusive #cult
Hi new peeps. I’m a #disabled #exvangelical still hoping to find #god or #goddess when I find the courage to look. Unapologetically #poly, #kinky, and exploring my newly discovered #bisexuality. If #books were people I’d marry them. Frequently post about #reading, #audiobooks, #neisvoid, #psychology, #abusive #relationships, Christian #deconstruction, #femaleempowerment, and random snark. Other random joys include #music, #coffee, #tea, #dogs, did I mention #Bookstodon? And all things #cozy
#disabled #exvangelical #god #goddess #poly #kinky #bisexuality #books #reading #audiobooks #NEISvoid #psychology #abusive #relationships #deconstruction #femaleempowerment #music #coffee #tea #Dogs #bookstodon #cozy
Right-wing activists for #children craft affair lie about reporter who exposed allegedly #abusive #Christian camp
That said, the #FSF / #GNU should get rid of #richardstallman for he is a #sexist #abusive bastard and a stupid extremist.
#abusive #sexist #richardstallman #gnu #fsf
😂 sadly so true. I can’t imagine what they are going to do to us when the election race heats up. 😳 #Abusive #Relationship #NewWorldOrder
#abusive #relationship #newworldorder
#International_Tech_News | Good Morning World |
#Newly_Surfaced Video Offers #Glimpse Into #Trump And #Epstein's Past #Relationship(s) | The video from NBC’s archives was shot more than a decade before Epstein #served 13 months in a #Florida_Jail for #PROCURING A #MINOR_FOR_PROSTITUTION
(Pimps call it #breaking_out #working_girls on the stroll.. Basically #Pimping_Out Minor #Children for #Prostitution) What should be the Sentence for such an #atrocity?? UGH!
Epstein did not last long in prison --did he..??
This alleged RAPE event occurred in the 1990’S --same time of the TRUMP #PERVERT_PARTY with Epstein..
And How do I know its a #pervert_party.. Its a small world.. and those are NOT #Congress_Girls!!
They are #Business_Ladies. Only #Porn_Stars can whip their hair back and forth like they do -without breaking a Neck..
Unlike Elon Musk #WE_CAN_DANCE;)
And btw what the CHUMP DOES NOT REALIZE IS THAT Girls do not like to be FONDLED or groped by #SEXUAL_PERVERTS --WHO ARE #STRANGERS!! no less.
You see YOU ARE DISGUSTING TO THESE WOMEN. ..but somehow you think your #fat_ass is attractive to these LADIES..
ROTFLMAO! 100% in #Denile and DELUSIONAL.. aka #Serious_Mental_Illness!
Btw if I ever see you DO THAT TO A FEMALE in my presence. YOU will be in an ambulance (FASTER THAT YOU CAN SHAKE A STICK)
--rushed to the nearest hospital for a 3 month VACA while your body guards are left picking their teeth off the concrete!
You have been #WARNED!
In case you scoffed at the above.. let ME tell ya a little story you may find interesting..
I have always protected women from #abusive# DIRANGED men #LIKE_YOU!
On a Ski Lodge Hill once while taking a nice breath of fresh air --I heard a BIG SMACK that ECHOED ACROSS THE Mountains.
So loud I though it would start an avalanche..
As I turn to witness a woman holding her head in agony and a man screaming at her. I knew what happen..
In an instant I was there.. I hit this guy so hard that he flew off the balcony two stories down and landed on the ski hill.. Lucky for him he landed in a pile of soft snow. Which gave this poor abused female --time to escape..
BUT #LISTEN_UP #CHUMP.. there is #NO_SNOW in #Florida;)
Jury finds #Trump #liable for #sexual_abuse, #awards accuser $5 #million
#Ghislaine_Maxwell #Accuser (#JANE_DOE) Says #Epstein Introduced Her To #Trump At 14 Years Old (Minor)
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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Newly_Surfaced #Glimpse #trump #epstein #relationship #served #Florida_Jail #PROCURING #MINOR_FOR_PROSTITUTION #breaking_out #working_girls #Pimping_Out #children #prostitution #atrocity #guilty #ASSOCIATION #Minor #questioned_under_duress #Ghislaine_Maxwell #FURTHER_QUESTIONING #TRUMPS_INVOLVEMENT #allegations #E #Jean_Carroll #PERVERT_PARTY #Congress_Girls #Business_Ladies #Porn_Stars #GONE_WILD #WE_CAN_DANCE #SEXUAL_PERVERTS #STRANGERS #fat_ass #Denile #Serious_Mental_Illness #WARNED #abusive #LIKE_YOU #listen_up #CHUMP #NO_SNOW #florida #REFERENCES #liable #sexual_abuse #awards #million #Accuser #JANE_DOE #INVITE
New #OpenThread on #nepotism & on #egostical #parents using their kids to become #famous because they couldn't reach their own #goals on becoming #celebrities & how they're #abusive to their kids. They're #StageParents & their #kids feel like they have to perform well or lose their #parents affections. It's actually a form of emotional #ChildAbuse & I recognize it fast. I don't tolerate it. I don't respect it. I think parents like that - are shitty self absorbed folks who don't deserve kids.
#openthread #nepotism #egostical #parents #famous #goals #celebrities #abusive #stageparents #kids #childabuse
Multiple extremely disabling & worsening health conditions (including #severeME) while trying to ESCAPE an #ABUSIVE ENVIRONMENT, find affordable #housing, #caregiver, #healthcare, appeal #abusive #CaseManagement wi #advocate, get #NDIS, & the list goes on.
Or to @halcionandon
Hate asking for help but endured 10+ years of #abuse
@mutualaid @mutual_aid #DisabilityCrowdfund
#MutualAid #ChronicIllness
#crowdfunding #boost #SevereME #abusive #housing #caregiver #Healthcare #casemanagement #advocate #NDIS #abuse #disabilitycrowdfund #mutualaid #chronicillness
In the new week - I'll be talking about how the #LosingFace pressures & #PoorChoices to defend losing face - in most #Asian families - is a form of #control , #oppression & why they're familial #HumanRights violations.
Far too many #abusive folks use the 'losing face' #excuses & #justifications to do #horrific acts of #abuse on women & children - in worst cases - women/kids are killed for embarrassing the family.
It's NOT OK.
#AsianMastodon #StopFemicide #StopDomesticAbuse #StopTheSilence
#losingface #poorchoices #asian #control #oppression #humanrights #abusive #excuses #justifications #horrific #abuse #asianmastodon #StopFemicide #stopdomesticabuse #stopthesilence
Some of the most #abusive #authoritarian cunts #work at this #establishment.
#asuria #australia #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #classwar #centrelink #poverty #welfare #fyi #psa
#abusive #authoritarian #work #establishment #asuria #australia #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #classwar #Centrelink #poverty #Welfare #fyi #psa
[Automatic repost]
#parkinsonsdisease and #dystonia. #abusive #wife sits comfortably and watches me #suffering.
#dystonia #ParkinsonsDisease #abusive #wife #suffering
I post links that are of interest to me & ones I believe may also interest folks who follow me. Sometimes, links posted provide more opportunities for discussion. I appreciate engagement. I'm fine with discourse too. I'm not OK w/shitass trolling & trying to hijack my posts w/BS, #IllIntent , #deflections / #gaslighting & being #abusive & #condescending to me from folks I've never interacted w/before & quick to attack me for speaking my mind.
I don't put up w/any asshats - familiar or not.
#illintent #deflections #gaslighting #abusive #condescending
hooray for "untargeted abuse" at #twitch ...
I cannot even REPORT people who just "listen" to my message and THEN report them as "abusive". hooraray.
#rapevictim #abusive (yes, I am using my #worst #tags just for this and am #abusing myself, essentially .. ie. is #digusting )
#digusting #abusing #tags #worst #abusive #rapevictim #twitch