anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖 · @anna_lillith
2467 followers · 14498 posts · Server

To ensure mustangs and burros are protected from and conditions, the BLM must abandon the cash component of this program.

Please take a moment to send a letter to the Director of the and urge them to stop the cash incentives and instead, offer a veterinary voucher to incentivize and adoptions!

- American Wildhorse Campaign



#burro #mustang #blm #abusive #slaughter #StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #protectourwildlife

Last updated 1 year ago

Zee · @zyz
123 followers · 5349 posts · Server

It’s easy to see when and are disappointing- my takes the hit.

When people decide to forgive and forget, they quickly run back to their platforms, leaving behind their empty places

They disappear

I’m doing some today, and am totally ditching anyone who thinks I’m their backup :gnomeHey:

It’s like work now- if Im forgotten, then I’m going to forget them ✂️

Nice knowing you! 👋🏼🙂

#trimtheherd #housekeeping #abusive #timeline #Twitter #threads

Last updated 1 year ago

Indigo ♿ she/her · @Skyliting
63 followers · 516 posts · Server

@jaedia animal eye contact may not upset people, but human eye contact can be intimidating and upsetting. I love my husband dearly but my upbringing makes it very difficult for me to meet the gaze of another person even if they're not upset with me.


Last updated 1 year ago

steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
298 followers · 9595 posts · Server

The Taking Down Men

Brad speaks with veteran Sarah Stankorb about her new book Disobedient Women. Women is not just a look at the women who have used the internet to bring down the power structures that were meant to keep them quiet, but also a picture of the large-scale changes that are happening within evangelical culture regarding women’s roles...

#women #abusive #evangelical #journalist #disobedient #religious

Last updated 1 year ago

Kriszta Satori · @fulelo
4895 followers · 4352 posts · Server

sent and messages to second young person
'the young person - who has no connection to the person at the centre of the Sun's story about payments for photos - said they had been scared by the power the presenter held.

They said the threats made in the messages had frightened them - and they remain scared.

The new allegations of menacing and bullying behaviour by the high-profile presenter raise fresh questions about his conduct.'

#bbc #presenter #abusive #menacing

Last updated 1 year ago

WTF did I just read? No, being is not nor . And comparing them to is for.
Credit to @adamfare1996 for the screenshot.

#suicidal #narcissistic #abusive #drug #addiction #uncalled

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
704 followers · 32285 posts · Server

"I'm going to be real, is just the stupidest , there is no reason to engage with it. that believe that stuff are either not serious or they're actively trying to self promote or just be harmful. I mean, over 350 generations and they still can't get it even vaguely right and they want all of us to not even talk about a without their bullshit despite it collapsing around of and on top of us all the time. Like, they're intentionally right? It's is what it is. They're like leaders."

#civilization #ideology #people #world #gaslighting #everyone #abusive #cult

Last updated 1 year ago

Ana · @brazilianmelody
22 followers · 44 posts · Server

Hi new peeps. I’m a still hoping to find or when I find the courage to look. Unapologetically , , and exploring my newly discovered . If were people I’d marry them. Frequently post about , , , , , Christian , , and random snark. Other random joys include , , , , did I mention ? And all things

#disabled #exvangelical #god #goddess #poly #kinky #bisexuality #books #reading #audiobooks #NEISvoid #psychology #abusive #relationships #deconstruction #femaleempowerment #music #coffee #tea #Dogs #bookstodon #cozy

Last updated 1 year ago

Eric Gril · @ericgril
39 followers · 742 posts · Server

Right-wing activists for craft affair lie about reporter who exposed allegedly camp

#children #abusive #christian

Last updated 1 year ago

Eric Gril · @ericgril
39 followers · 741 posts · Server

Angry, and : Unsealed court docs allege created ‘constant fear’ at home

#violent #abusive #stewart #rhodes

Last updated 1 year ago

Johan | PD1JMB · @dynode
182 followers · 2186 posts · Server



That said, the / should get rid of for he is a bastard and a stupid extremist.

#abusive #sexist #richardstallman #gnu #fsf

Last updated 1 year ago

😂 sadly so true. I can’t imagine what they are going to do to us when the election race heats up. 😳

#abusive #relationship #newworldorder

Last updated 1 year ago

| Good Morning World |

Video Offers Into And 's Past (s) | The video from NBC’s archives was shot more than a decade before Epstein 13 months in a for A

(Pimps call it on the stroll.. Basically Minor for ) What should be the Sentence for such an ?? UGH!

Epstein did not last long in prison --did he..??

DAVIDv: IS BY imho.


This alleged RAPE event occurred in the 1990’S --same time of the TRUMP with Epstein..

And How do I know its a .. Its a small world.. and those are NOT !!

They are . Only can whip their hair back and forth like they do -without breaking a Neck..


Unlike Elon Musk ;)

And btw what the CHUMP DOES NOT REALIZE IS THAT Girls do not like to be FONDLED or groped by --WHO ARE !! no less.

You see YOU ARE DISGUSTING TO THESE WOMEN. ..but somehow you think your is attractive to these LADIES..

ROTFLMAO! 100% in and DELUSIONAL.. aka !

Btw if I ever see you DO THAT TO A FEMALE in my presence. YOU will be in an ambulance (FASTER THAT YOU CAN SHAKE A STICK)

--rushed to the nearest hospital for a 3 month VACA while your body guards are left picking their teeth off the concrete!

You have been !

In case you scoffed at the above.. let ME tell ya a little story you may find interesting..

I have always protected women from # DIRANGED men !

On a Ski Lodge Hill once while taking a nice breath of fresh air --I heard a BIG SMACK that ECHOED ACROSS THE Mountains.

So loud I though it would start an avalanche..

As I turn to witness a woman holding her head in agony and a man screaming at her. I knew what happen..

In an instant I was there.. I hit this guy so hard that he flew off the balcony two stories down and landed on the ski hill.. Lucky for him he landed in a pile of soft snow. Which gave this poor abused female --time to escape..

BUT .. there is in ;)


Jury finds for , accuser $5

() Says Introduced Her To At 14 Years Old (Minor)


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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Newly_Surfaced #Glimpse #trump #epstein #relationship #served #Florida_Jail #PROCURING #MINOR_FOR_PROSTITUTION #breaking_out #working_girls #Pimping_Out #children #prostitution #atrocity #guilty #ASSOCIATION #Minor #questioned_under_duress #Ghislaine_Maxwell #FURTHER_QUESTIONING #TRUMPS_INVOLVEMENT #allegations #E #Jean_Carroll #PERVERT_PARTY #Congress_Girls #Business_Ladies #Porn_Stars #GONE_WILD #WE_CAN_DANCE #SEXUAL_PERVERTS #STRANGERS #fat_ass #Denile #Serious_Mental_Illness #WARNED #abusive #LIKE_YOU #listen_up #CHUMP #NO_SNOW #florida #REFERENCES #liable #sexual_abuse #awards #million #Accuser #JANE_DOE #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1506 followers · 17134 posts · Server

New on & on using their kids to become because they couldn't reach their own on becoming & how they're to their kids. They're & their feel like they have to perform well or lose their affections. It's actually a form of emotional & I recognize it fast. I don't tolerate it. I don't respect it. I think parents like that - are shitty self absorbed folks who don't deserve kids.

#openthread #nepotism #egostical #parents #famous #goals #celebrities #abusive #stageparents #kids #childabuse

Last updated 2 years ago

Anna · @halcionandon
58 followers · 92 posts · Server



Multiple extremely disabling & worsening health conditions (including ) while trying to ESCAPE an ENVIRONMENT, find affordable , , , appeal wi , get , & the list goes on.

Or to @halcionandon

Hate asking for help but endured 10+ years of

@mutualaid @mutual_aid

#crowdfunding #boost #SevereME #abusive #housing #caregiver #Healthcare #casemanagement #advocate #NDIS #abuse #disabilitycrowdfund #mutualaid #chronicillness

Last updated 2 years ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1488 followers · 16892 posts · Server

In the new week - I'll be talking about how the pressures & to defend losing face - in most families - is a form of , & why they're familial violations.

Far too many folks use the 'losing face' & to do acts of on women & children - in worst cases - women/kids are killed for embarrassing the family.

It's NOT OK.

#losingface #poorchoices #asian #control #oppression #humanrights #abusive #excuses #justifications #horrific #abuse #asianmastodon #StopFemicide #stopdomesticabuse #stopthesilence

Last updated 2 years ago

Nando161 · @nando161
543 followers · 23298 posts · Server
dystobot · @dystobot
5 followers · 5695 posts · Server
PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1429 followers · 15466 posts · Server

I post links that are of interest to me & ones I believe may also interest folks who follow me. Sometimes, links posted provide more opportunities for discussion. I appreciate engagement. I'm fine with discourse too. I'm not OK w/shitass trolling & trying to hijack my posts w/BS, , / & being & to me from folks I've never interacted w/before & quick to attack me for speaking my mind.

I don't put up w/any asshats - familiar or not.

#illintent #deflections #gaslighting #abusive #condescending

Last updated 2 years ago

HRH ginsterbusch · @ginsterbusch
281 followers · 9093 posts · Server

hooray for "untargeted abuse" at ...

I cannot even REPORT people who just "listen" to my message and THEN report them as "abusive". hooraray.

(yes, I am using my just for this and am myself, essentially .. ie. is )

#digusting #abusing #tags #worst #abusive #rapevictim #twitch

Last updated 2 years ago