Are you ready #fundamentalist #Christians? It's time to play MAKE THAT EXCUSE! Remember #OralRoberts call for cash to keep God from killing him? Remember all the excuses made for that one? How about all of those preachers who've been arrested for heinous crimes? You answered the call and made-up excuses for every one of them! Well, here's one more!
"US pastor #TonyPerkins, who believes natural disasters are sent by God to punish #gay people, has fled his flooded home in #Louisiana."
#LGBTQ #humanrights #ChristianNationalism #abusiveclergy #abusivepastors
#fundamentalist #Christians #oralroberts #tonyperkins #gay #Louisiana #lgbtq #humanrights #ChristianNationalism #abusiveclergy #abusivepastors