Swipe right?
Who needs expensive cat toys when you can just dangle a long piece of grass in front of Theo and he'll go mad trying to get at it.
#caturday #abyssiniancat #catphotography #catsofmastodon
"Sun Thief" - an old photo back from when Theo and Loki were kittens. Theo wasn't keen on sharing the warm sunshine with anyone.
#caturday #CatsOfMastodon #BengalCat #AbyssinianCat #CatPhotography
#caturday #catsofmastodon #bengalcat #abyssiniancat #catphotography
Переселили чаузи Астрид и абиссинку Грейси 😺 https://www.wacoca.com/pets/164711/
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Abyssinian Cat | Daily Life With My Cat | #猫好きさんと繋がりたい #catlover https://www.meowmoe.com/67485/
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Abyssinian Cat | Daily Life With My Cat | #猫好きさんと繋がりたい #catlover https://www.wacoca.com/pets/162822/
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#アビシニアン #neko #marvinahatano #catlovers #cat #abyssiniancat #catlover #猫好きさんと繋がりたい
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アビシニアン猫のコンパイル https://www.wacoca.com/pets/99798/
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S T R E T C HHHHHH - just dropping some sexy cat photos for you like a boss …
#abyssiniancat #cat #Caturday #abycross #fawncat #tickedtabby
#abyssiniancat #cat #Caturday #abycross #fawncat #tickedtabby
It's #Caturday !
Here's a triptych of one of my previous cats, dear Simba. He loved this box as a hidey hole but couldn't resist grabbing things just outside of it. After teasing him with this cushion I accidentally ended up with the photos to make this sequence 😁
#CatsOfMastodon #Cats #CatPhotography #Photography #PetPhotography #AbyssinianCat
#caturday #catsofmastodon #cats #catphotography #photography #petphotography #abyssiniancat
It's #Caturday so here's Theo aged 4 months showing off his feather toy catching skills. Just look at the size of his murder-mittens at full stretch in that first photo!
Theo is an Abyssinian cat with a coat colour of "chocolate" (Abyssinian coats are mostly ticked, but you can see the solid colour in his tail tip in the first photo)
#CatsOfMastodon #Kittens #CatPhotography #Photograph #Pets #PetPhotography #Photography #AbyssinianCat #MurderMittens
#caturday #catsofmastodon #kittens #catphotography #photograph #pets #petphotography #photography #abyssiniancat #murdermittens
アビシニアン 101 – あなたが知る必要があるすべて https://www.meowmoe.com/33167/
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アビシニアン 101 – あなたが知る必要があるすべて https://www.wacoca.com/pets/94807/
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アビシニアン猫のコンパイル https://www.meowmoe.com/32852/
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@elazar They did both manage to land safely 😆
#BengalCat #AbyssinianCat #CatsOfMastodon #CatPhoto #Kittens #PetPhoto #photography
#bengalcat #abyssiniancat #catsofmastodon #catphoto #kittens #petphoto #photography
For today's #Caturday I'm going to go with an action shot I took when Loki and Theo were around 4 months old.
I set up a camera on a tripod and was teasing them to get them to jump from a cat tree to the top of a small cabinet. On one occasion, however, both were on different platforms on the tree and decided to jump at the same time resulting in this shot...
#BengalCat #AbyssinianCat #CatsOfMastodon #CatPhoto #Kittens #PetPhoto #photography
#caturday #bengalcat #abyssiniancat #catsofmastodon #catphoto #kittens #petphoto #photography
For today's #Caturday - the first photo I took of Theo.
He was 8 weeks old here and I took this while visiting his breeder to meet him for the first time. It would then be another month before he would be old enough for me to collect him.
He's an Abyssinian and his coat colour is "chocolate".
#AbyssinianCat #CatPhotography #PetPhotography #Kittens #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #Photography
#caturday #abyssiniancat #catphotography #petphotography #kittens #cats #catsofmastodon #photography
For #caturday I'm picking couple of action shots of my previous 2 cats.
Misty & Simba had a relationship of mostly tolerating one another. However, Misty would sometimes randomly hiss/swipe at Simba for just walking past - sometimes he'd not be in the mood for that and'd try assert his dominance.
But, despite her being just over 2kg lighter than him, she was no pushover
I was taking some photos of them in the hall one day when that sort of altercation took place.
#caturday #abyssiniancat #cats #photo
Don't mind me, just enjoying the radiators warmte #catstodon #catsofmastodon #cats #caturday #cat #abyssinians #abyssiniancat
#catstodon #catsofmastodon #cats #caturday #cat #abyssinians #abyssiniancat