Today, an Animal Crossing PSA about packing only the essentials when travelling :D
An Assassin's Creed RPG quickstart listing on DriveThruRPG means I can check it out without giving my email address to anyone else or even visiting a site off my beaten track.
#ttrpg #assassinscreed #ac
@WJBL Landlords in Seattle, too, are threatening tenants with fines and eviction for installing AC units in windows of apartments. Of course, there’s no support here in “Realty World” for landlords to provide AC and MERV13 or HEPA filtering to tenants as part of basic leases. #TenantRights #ClimateCrisis #WildfireSmoke #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Wildfires #AC #ACunits #HEPA #MERV13 #SeattleCityCouncilFail
#TenantRights #ClimateCrisis #wildfiresmoke #pnw #pacificnorthwest #wildfires #ac #acunits #hepa #merv13 #seattlecitycouncilfail
Three #power #outages today already in #durham #region - is anyone else getting these? I can’t tell if it’s a wider #problem - we seem to be #taxing the #grid today for sure - I’ve turned the #AC off to help some but we aren’t having a good day with #power in this part of #ontario.
#power #outages #durham #region #problem #taxing #grid #ac #ontario #electricity #elexicon
A text version of a #DW #video I posted earlier in this thread covering alternatives to #AirConditioning for places where #AC—and the need for such #CoolingSystems—is ubiquitous, and for places where it hasn't been needed until our ongoing #ClimateChange catastrophe.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once solutions are our best hope for survival, and possible thriving after.
#ClimateChange #coolingsystems #ac #airconditioning #Video #DW
Pink News: Breakthrough in murder of former AC/DC manager, Crispin Dye, decades after suspected hate crime https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/08/22/crispin-dye-acdc-murder-sydney/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #CrispinDye #Australia #World #AC/DC #News
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #crispindye #australia #world #ac #news
Heat waves: What's the alternative to air conditioning?
#airconditioning #AC #aircon #heatwave #climatechange #passivecooling
#passivecooling #climatechange #heatwave #aircon #ac #airconditioning
https://www.eucup.com/348172/ Niclas Fullkrug – Welcome to AC Milan? 2023 – Crazy Skills & Goals | HD #2026FIFAWorldCup #2026WorldCup #2030FIFAWorldCup #2030WorldCup #ac #ACMilan #FIFA2026 #FIFA2030 #FIFAWorldCup #FifaWorldCup2026 #FIFAWorldCup2030 #füllkrug #FullkrugAcMilan #FullkrugMilan #Germany #Milan #NiclasFüllkrug #NiclasFullkrugAcMilan #NiclasFullkrugMilan #NiclasFullkrugSkills2023 #WorldCup #WorldCup2026 #WorldCup2030
#2026fifaworldcup #2026worldcup #2030fifaworldcup #2030worldcup #ac #acmilan #fifa2026 #fifa2030 #fifaworldcup #fifaworldcup2026 #fifaworldcup2030 #fullkrug #fullkrugacmilan #fullkrugmilan #germany #milan #niclasfullkrug #niclasfullkrugacmilan #niclasfullkrugmilan #niclasfullkrugskills2023 #worldcup #worldcup2026 #worldcup2030
Atlantic City, New Jersey - Ohio Avenue at Pacific Avenue
It's National Black Cat Appreciation Day, and I will always appreciate my cat Stormy. I had him for 14 years. He was the sweetest cat, and he loved A/C too!
#cat #cats #blackcat #blackcats #appreciation #NationalBlackCatDay #Stormy #staycool #AC #Thursday #ThrowbackThursday #catsofmastodon #mastodoncats
#cat #cats #blackcat #blackcats #appreciation #nationalblackcatday #stormy #staycool #ac #thursday #throwbackthursday #catsofmastodon #mastodoncats
@ColesStreetPothole Even better if you can get a a few more musicians to collaborate with your A/C. #AC #jazz #music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_mgj1VJYZI
Atlantic City, New Jersey - Atlantic Avenue at Michigan Avenue (noir)
On a hot summer day, the #AC we run in Dry mode removes 20 LITRES OF WATER a day from an average european flat.
While temperatures soar, many are foregoing meals and medical care to pay for their AC. There are almost 30 million U.S. households struggling to pay their bills that qualify for an energy subsidy, but less than three percent receive it in the summer months. As climate change makes lethally hot days more common, that assistance could grow even more scarce as more people share an insufficient budget. Here’s what experts and advocates are saying.
#Heat #Cooling #AC #Bills
#GoodSamaritan Ends Elderly Woman's Months-Long #AC Battle
Global News BC: How low-income renters could get frozen out of B.C.’s free AC program https://globalnews.ca/news/9881068/how-low-income-renters-could-get-frozen-out-of-b-c-s-free-ac-program/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #airconditioninglandlords #clilmateadaptation #AirConditioning #AirConditioner #ClimateChange #BCpolitics #Landlords #Politics #heatdome #politics #Weather #freeAC #AC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #airconditioninglandlords #clilmateadaptation #airconditioning #airconditioner #climatechange #BCpolitics #landlords #politics #heatdome #Weather #freeac #ac
Staying cool in the dark inside when it's 100+° sunshine outside... it seems cooler in the dark, anyway...
#California #Chico #NorCal #sun #heat #dark #fan #AC #airconditioning #staycool #Sunday
#california #chico #norcal #sun #heat #dark #fan #ac #airconditioning #staycool #sunday
Das Spiel Assassin's Creed: Origins - Discovery Tour: Das Alte Ägypten (2017) vollständig durchgespielt (Deutsch, ohne Kommentare).
Jetzt anschauen (Playlist):
#youtube #letsplay #nocommentry #games #gaming #AssassinsCreed #AssassinsCreedOrigins #AC #ACO #DiscoveryTour #History #Egypt #Ägypten
#agypten #egypt #History #DiscoveryTour #aco #ac #AssassinsCreedOrigins #assassinscreed #Gaming #Games #nocommentry #letsplay #YouTube