· @Lunatech
21 followers · 331 posts · Server qoto.org

@mstrohm Well I do wish had support for decoding audio; this is becoming important in parts of the world where ATSC3 television is coming on the air. If you could include that, that would be great!

But the biggest problem with is it's like having a lamp with a genie that will do all sorts of wonderful things, but only understands some unknown language that you only know a few words of. People would use ffmpeg more if only it were documented in a way that users could finds answers to haw to do whatever tasks they are trying to do. The format of "list each option and a basic description of what it does" only works if you only have a few options AND can explain them in way that a typical user can understand. It does not work when you have hundreds or thousands of possible options and combinations of options and the user hasn't the foggiest clue which option they are looking for, or if they find the option, they find documentation that only makes sense to a programmer or a developer. So that would be my biggest for your , don't make your documentation like ffmpeg's documentation, make it better and show actual examples for each option so people can figure out how to use it!

#featurerequest #software #ffmpeg #ac4 #endemm

Last updated 2 years ago

Marcello Velasco · @FRZNGLSRBM
31 followers · 142 posts · Server metalhead.club

Back to AC Black Flag. It's weird, that I never really played this game. What's your favorite Assassin's Creed game?

#pcgaming #gaming #ac4 #blackflag #assassinscreed

Last updated 2 years ago

Nexific YouTube · @nexific_youtube
6 followers · 99 posts · Server mstdn.social

Das DLC Schrei nach Freiheit des Spiels Assassins Creed IV vollständig durchgespielt (Deutsch, ohne Kommentare) (2018).

Jetzt anschauen (Playlist):

#dlc #ac4 #assassinscreed #Gaming #Games #nocommentry #letsplay #YouTube

Last updated 4 years ago

Nexific YouTube · @nexific_youtube
6 followers · 99 posts · Server mstdn.social

Das DLC Aveline des Spiels Assassins Creed IV vollständig durchgespielt (Deutsch, ohne Kommentare) (2017).

Jetzt anschauen (Playlist):

#dlc #ac4 #assassinscreed #Gaming #Games #nocommentry #letsplay #YouTube

Last updated 4 years ago

Nexific YouTube · @nexific_youtube
6 followers · 99 posts · Server mstdn.social

Das Spiel Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag (2014) vollständig durchgespielt (Deutsch, ohne Kommentare) (2015).

Jetzt anschauen (Playlist):

#acbf #ac4 #assassinscreed #Gaming #Games #nocommentry #letsplay #YouTube

Last updated 4 years ago