So... I'm not sure reviewers are appropriately incentivized to deal with rebuttals and resubmissions in a *get you published* way. As a young assistant professor I'm told how selfish I need to be. But I need to serve on committees. I want to make the field better. I invested. Much to my own doom as my submissions lacked certain qualities that I was helping others fix on their own stuff. This system sucks.
#academafia #publishorperish @academicchatter #academicchatter
#academafia #publishorperish #academicchatter
@mustachio so systems.discuss or other academic folks, is this true? How much time do you spend here? I think a challenge I've had is having this big system of awesome but that it's just sort of this shot gun. It isn't precise and clear what concrete problem new knowledge has been added to it.
Thoughts? Cc @irene @palvaro @regehr #academafia
I asked the NRNG (Nathan Random Number Generator) to give me a poem for the #random channel… and out popped this...
> silly pervades. the just evades. onward we march. to become the monarch.
> my poem about the #academafia :smile:
@vardi from my experience it first is a social group that has a preserving the culture aim. The culture unfortunately has this hierarchy that resembles the mafia. The #academafia rules. It's almost like politics. Sure there are admirable folks who want to do public good. But... idk there's so much power that it attracts those who have anterior motives.