This year I'm gonna be smart, I thought.
This year, I'm gonna look ahead, I thought.
This year, I'll set up a spreadsheet to keep track of my commitments - research, teaching, service, mentoring all in one place - and make sure I don't take on more commitments than is reasonable, I thought.
So for starters I set up my spreadsheet with the things that are already on the books for this year.
Reader, my year is already overbooked. By 413 hours to be precise.
I will not be taking any questions at this time.
Hello world, since I've switched servers, let me give an #introduction:
I teach #ReformedTheology at #PrincetonTheologicalSeminary.
Questions that keep me up/tooting include theological epistemology (#bettertheology, #citizentheology), theological anthropology (#againsthumanity), omniscience/surveillance, #KarlBarth.
I also overshare on #GenderDissonance, #AcademicADHD, the toil of writing (#AmWriting), and I love the occasional #TheoPoll
#Theology #SystematicTheology #ConstructiveTheology, #QueerTheoloy, #CripTheology, #Theologidons, #Academia, #HigherEd,
#introduction #reformedtheology #princetontheologicalseminary #bettertheology #citizentheology #againsthumanity #KarlBarth #genderdissonance #academicadhd #amwriting #theopoll #theology #systematictheology #constructivetheology #queertheoloy #criptheology #theologidons #academia #highered