

My wife volunteered on the Friday to check the book manuscript...due in on Monday.

- She came back within two minutes.
- I had miss-spelt a word on the spine...my own name!

#academicforum #publishing

Last updated 2 years ago

DrAlanT · @dralant
189 followers · 1224 posts · Server mastodon.social

“In an age of specialists, Kenneth Burke’s writings offend those who are content with the partial view of human motivation. He is offensive to many academicians because he cannot be stuffed into any of the bins whose occupancy brings fame and fortune in the groves of Academe.”

(Duncan, Permanence and Change, xiii)

#kennethburke #rhetoric #culturaltheory #academicforum

Last updated 2 years ago

'In an age of specialists, Kenneth Burke’s writings offend those who are content with the partial view of human motivation. He is offensive to many academicians because he cannot be stuffed into any of the bins whose occupancy brings fame and fortune in the groves of Academe.'

(Duncan intro to Burke's, Permanence and Change, xiii)

#criticaltheory #kennethburke #rhetoric #academicforum

Last updated 2 years ago