@wissmobb Hi! the #OnlineLearning #OnlineTeaching #AcademicHonesty #AcademicIntegrity webinar went great! I love talking about this stuff!!
You can view the recording here: https://sunycpd.eventsair.com/sot when it gets posted (it's not there yet).
In the mean time, here are the links to information and resources i shared. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FHmPkBLcB_nAhgH_3G2TWfW1D_9XIwHbNfCX48Tbt8I/edit?usp=sharing
#academicintegrity #academichonesty #onlineteaching #onlinelearning
I will be leading a #free & #open webinar on Strategies to Support Online #AcademicIntegrity - November 10, 2022. 12-1PM ET.
#Cheating is a #pedagogical issue, not a technological one. This session will provide strategies, tools, & resources to assist #OnlineFaculty & #IDs better understand how to support online #AcademicHonesty & online faculty/learner success. #OnlineTeaching #OnlineLearning #InstructionalDesign
Registration (free) required: https://sunycpd.eventsair.com/sot/
#edtoot #studentsuccess #instructionaldesign #onlinelearning #onlineteaching #academichonesty #ids #onlinefaculty #pedagogical #cheating #academicintegrity #open #free