ENAI & the Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics, Uppsala University (Sweden), are delighted to invite you to: 'Double Trouble: Inappropriate Image Duplications in Biomedical Publications' by Dr Elizabeth Bik.
The webinar will take place on 8th September 2023 at 13:00 CEST.
Our webinars are free and open to students, academics, researchers and all those interested in #AcademicIntegrity and Research #Ethics .
Registration: https://uu-se.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uFTISujdSXWpFtnpJhgn3A#/registration
More information: https://www.academicintegrity.eu/wp/enai-monthly-webinars/
Hello @annamills, thank you for your work on #AI literacies, pedagogies, and awareness raising. It's helping me, at least, raise awareness within my own academic writing contexts.
Are you aware of any similar and/or specific work - including your own that I'm not aware of - relating to the use of #LLMs and other #ArtificialIntelligence writing technologies in #DoctoralWriting #DoctoralResearch #ResearchWriting?
#AcWri #AcademicWriting #AcademicIntegrity #AILiteracies #tleap #AcademicLiteracies
#ai #LLMs #artificialintelligence #DoctoralWriting #DoctoralResearch #researchwriting #acwri #academicwriting #academicintegrity #ailiteracies #tleap #academicliteracies
At a #MyFest23 session on #AI and #AcademicIntegrity. Led by the amazing Dr Sarah Eaton (https://drsaraheaton.wordpress.com/). Taking us through two topics that require such nuance to make sure you are really "seeing" what you are talking about.
#myfest23 #ai #academicintegrity
Roland Schimmel, "Deutschand, Deine Disserationen" https://rsw.beck.de/aktuell/daily/magazin/detail/deutschland--deine-dissertationen
"Eine grundlegende Plagiatsdebatte inklusive einer kritischen Selbstreflexion der Rechtswissenschaft bleibt aus."
There were a lot of talks in this direction at the European Conference on Ethics and Integrity in Academia a few weeks ago in Derby, organized by ENAI. The abstract booklet is on the conference page: https://academicintegrity.eu/conference/
The books by and edited by @drsaraheaton
will also have many good leads, she has a doctoral student working on Chile.
Registrations are open for the 2023 Australasian Academic Integrity Network Forum on Friday, 22 September.
This free online event provides a forum for sharing knowledge, best practice, and key questions in the challenging and fast-paced field of academic integrity in the higher education sector.
The Forum is proudly co-hosted by the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia.
For more information, visit: https://tinyurl.com/2r6nfbcj
#academicintegrity #university #highereducation #universitysector #Australia #NewZealand #onlineconference #freeconference #professionaldevelopmentforacademics #presentationopportunities
#academicintegrity #university #highereducation #universitysector #australia #newzealand #onlineconference #freeconference #professionaldevelopmentforacademics #presentationopportunities
#HigherEd #AcademicIntegrity #StudentWriting #Research
#highered #academicintegrity #studentwriting #research
It's now the closing ceremony for
#ECEIA2023 #AcademicIntegrity
so it will now be back to regular programming, i.e. boosts and the occasional toot!
Hope this was useful for someone.
Final session! Debbie De (Aston University) is running a workshop on "Enhancing academic practice in Higher Education - how to you do it?"
After lunch we have a panel discussion on "Where to go next? Embracing new challenges and opportunities in research integrity and ethics, based on lessons learned from EU projects"
The panel members are: Julia Prieß-Buchheit (University of Kiel, Germany), Mariëtte van den Hoven (Amsterdam University Medical Center, Netherlands), Anna Abalkina (Free University Berlin, Germany) & Lisa Diependaele (European Commission). Sonja Bjelobaba is the session chair:
Thomas Lancaster, Steph Allen & Mary Davis are now speaking about the Benefitsof Academic Integrity Networks, in particular the London and South East Academic Integrity Network.
I really wish we could get such a network set up in Germany!
Stephanas Lim is now presenting on "UK Universities policy responses to Artificial Intelligence (AI) related academic misconduct in undergraduate studies."
Loreta Tauginiené is now presenting about the
Journal of Academic Ethics (JAET): Addressing and Publishing ethical issues in post-secondary education and beyond
Recommendation CM/Rec (2022)18 of the Committee of Ministers to member States [of the Council of Europe] on countering Education Fraud
(Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 13 July 2022
at the 1440th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)
Obviously, it does not address AI-generated text explicitly, but one can assume that this recommendation can be applied to it as well.
Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)22
of the Committee of Ministers to member States
on human rights principles and guidelines on age assessment in the context of
migration and its Explanatory Memorandum
(from 14 December 2022)
It is (obviously) missing a direct reference to AI-generated text.
The US American Federal Trade Commission has initiated an investigation into OpenAI. They are looking into data harvesting issues, personal reputation defamation, and other consumer issues.
The Washington Post has an article on it at
Ready to start into day 3 of the conference with Michael Draper presenting on the Recommendation CM/Rec (2022) of the Committee of MInisters to member States [of the Council of Europe] on countering Education Fraud
(Irene: Thank you for getting up in the morning to listen to a talk by a lawyer!)
Draper is one of the people responsible for championing the new criminal offense of #ContractCheating in the UK.
#academicintegrity #eceia2023 #Contractcheating
Martine Peters (Université du Québec en Outaouais) is presenting the final talk for today on "Private and Public Schools: Are they the same when it comes to plagiarism prevention?"
Clare Johnson of the University of South Wales is now speaking about her disseration on "Investigating indicators of academic misconduct through forensic analysis"
“The employer pretends to need a degree; the employee pretends to have one” (Johnson, 2006) https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=925243
In Canada it is necessary to have a university degree (at least a bachelor's degree) in order to work at Starbucks...