Meine Schwester Laura Oetzel hat für den Pro Musik Magazin Poscast ein Interview mit Friedhelm Bruns über prekäre Beschäftigung, Depression und Mentalhealth geführt. Unbedingte Hörempfehlung!
#IchBinHanna #MentalHealth #IchBinReyhan #AcademicMentalHealth #podcast #Musik
Macht prekäre Beschäftigung krank? Ein Interview mit Friedhelm Bruns (Musikvermittler und Mental-Health-Speaker) - PRO MUSIK MAGAZIN - Podcast en iVoox
#ichbinhanna #mentalhealth #ichbinreyhan #academicmentalhealth #podcast #musik
RT @ZJAyres
I thought it might be time to reshare my #AcademicMentalHealth posters.
All are free to download and the local mental health support numbers can be modified at
(1) Mental Health During Your PhD
RT @ZJAyres
We'd love you to write for us about your #AcademicMentalHealth experience. Note: this is a paid opportunity, with our writers getting £25 GBP for their time.