Hi, I'm Sônia, and this is my hobbyist computational-math account. I decided to invest some time into _Indra's Pearls_ by Mumford, Series, Wright a little over a decade ago, and a quest that started out with "do all the assignments" has turned into a personal research and artistic program.
I spend a lot of time thinking about sets of tangent circles. So much so that if I got a "revive an ancient mathematician for a day" boon, I'd spend it on Apollonius. I'm pretty sure that my guy from Perga would a) be fascinated by the beauty of Kleinian double-cusp groups and b) tell me we were cheating by using calculations instead of construction. Sorry, fans of Euclid, Brahmagupta, and person-who-invented-zero. #academicnecromancy
This account is intended to be primarily used to post artwork/videos and links to interactive demos, explanations of the techniques used to render them, and engaging with any discussions prompted by the preceding.
#kleiniangroups #steinerchains #fractionallineartransforms #mobius #fractals #R #glsl #shadertoy #indraspearls #mobiustransforms
#mobiustransforms #indraspearls #shadertoy #glsl #r #fractals #Mobius #fractionallineartransforms #steinerchains #kleiniangroups #academicnecromancy #introduction