Ok, I caved. I finally turned on #christmasmusic for background noise while I work. It’s our first year as a family of 3 and it feeds a positive ambience in the house. Now to catch up on a few things while the babester is napping!
#AcademicCommunity #academicproductivity #academicswithkids #academicchat #mominscience #workingmother #workingmom #workingday #ambience #christmasonmymind #christmasmusic
Here's one tiny, hopefully thoughtful, eg of my use of Content Warnings (CWs) for #AcWriMo.
This fits the 'off topic' reason because this is my personal account, and I want to toot more about disability than academic work so followers may not be interested in AcWriMo. In that context, it can be contextually sensitive for those unable to live up to lofty #AcademicProductivity goals to have them pushed in our feeds.
#academicproductivity #acwrimo