Just read the email: with 89.4% of YES votes, postdocs at UC have agreed to ratify the tentative agreement for the new contract!
It’s definitely not the perfect contract (it’s the result of a compromise, after all) but it’s a big improvement over the status quo. Now I wish to see similar results for my grad student colleagues!
I’m glad I was (a small) part of this strike, and I hope this will lead the way for other institutions and ultimately bring real change to the system!
#fairUCnow #AcademicWorkers #AcademicStrike #UCstrike #postdoc
#fairUCnow #AcademicWorkers #academicstrike #postdoc #ucstrike
Huh. Why are we not hearing more about the largest academic strike in US history?
#academicstrike #majormedia #capitalism
@MarkRubin -- We had a four-hour work stoppage and the Uni informed all union members that they would have those hours deducted from their pay. And yes, of course we all did the work that we would have done during those four hours anyway... So who is the winner there?!? We still did the work and the Uni saved money.
#union #University #academicstrike #academics