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#academicsupport #academiclife #assignmentwriting #bookmyessay #accountingassignmenthelp
Have been thinking about #AcademicSupport and #tutoring a lot in relation to #ChatGPT and related AI tools in anticipation of campus conversations about them. I think my primary conclusion is that peer tutoring is about modeling curiosity for students in the face of a knowledge-gap, and from what I’ve seen so far, the AI can only make up convincing but fake facts when confronted with something it doesn’t know.
#academicsupport #tutoring #chatgpt
My institution is in a transitional period with our academic support offerings. We do 90% of all support using in-house resources, which is proving less successful than what we would like.
What solutions do other institutions use to deliver academic support to students who are learning online? In-house developed programs and resources? A virtual third-party service? A mix of in-house and third party?
What are some pros and cons to the solution you’ve implemented?
#academicsupport #elearning
Since I never did a proper #introductionpost, HI!!! I’m study the mixture of print mediums and racial ideology in the nineteenth century at UT El Paso. I about ghosts, food, archives, and #academicsupport networks and will say hi to your dog (and cat. or rabbit. or iguana).
#introductionpost #academicsupport