Interested in #genderinclusive language in teaching? Just heard of the online International Conference on Gender-Inclusive Language Instruction on March 31, 2023, via Zoom.
I cannot attend myself, but they might need non-English input, so I hope others can join in.
#academictip #teaching @linguistics
#teaching #academictip #genderinclusive
liebe Uni-/Wissensarbeiter*innen - mich würd mal ehrlich interessieren: ist chatGPT für euch ein Thema und wie geht ihr damit im Unterricht, in eurer eigenen Praxis bzw. in der Betreuung von Studierenden um?
#academictip #wissensarbeit #phdtalk
#academictip #wissensarbeit #phdtalk
My #academicTip for 2023? Don't take your health or that of your loved ones for granted.
What does this mean in practice?
Don't be the sole person in charge of anything important (a class your department absolutely wants to be taught, advising a PhD student). We get endorphin hits and nice lines on our CVs from being irreplaceable, but your students and colleagues need you to be replaceable if you are suddenly unable to work for months on end.