The #phoretic #mite #Forcellinia #wasmanni (#Astigmata, #Acaridae), which occurs among other ant species on the ant #Myrmica #rudinodis, develops in the ant #nest. The phoretic #dispersal stage (#deutonymph) is spread by ant workers.
To do this, I discovered a behavior I call "#pupa #guarding": it attaches to ant pupae and waits in this position until the adult ant hatches.. My video 2015-2023 in reduced quality (size limitations)
© #StefanFWirth Berlin/Usedom
#phoretic #mite #forcellinia #wasmanni #astigmata #acaridae #myrmica #rudinodis #nest #dispersal #deutonymph #pupa #guarding #stefanfwirth
Today in #taxonomy
I don't normally link Scientific Reports because it's a trash journal, but I just wanted to call your attention to the mite _Tyrophagus curvipenis_.
Original paper (Fain & Fauvel 1993):
Unlike scientific names with "-pennis", which actually means "feather", T. curvipenis is called that because it has a curved penis (image 1, from the 1993 paper).
Intromittent organs (penises or aedeagi) are relatively rare in arachnids, Opiliones being the exception. However, astigmatid mites evolved penises. In this family, Acaridae, the male sits backwards on the female, clinging on with specialized suckers, and inserts his penis into a special opening on her back (image 2, from Walter & Proctor's _Mites: Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour_).
#taxonomy #Mitestodon #mites #Acari #acaridae