There’s an alarming #trend happening where #vaccines are being blamed
Sent my gf a video @EnemyInAState posted on:deadbirb: yesterday of a young dancer who died of a heart attack while performing on stage.. she asked if it was #Covid or vax… India didn’t get #mRNA until later & I’ve #literally explained to her multiple times how #EndothelialDamage #accelerates #aging #strawthatbrokethecamel #etc
I prefer #Novavax but mRNA isn’t #root , #socialbehavior is
#trend #vaccines #covid #mRNA #literally #EndothelialDamage #accelerates #aging #strawthatbrokethecamel #etc #novavax #root #socialbehavior
17-year-old dives in after driver accelerates into bay - CNN Video #17-year-old #dives #after #driver #accelerates #into #video #19giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY25uLmNvbS92aWRlb3MvdXMvMjAyMi8wNi8xNy90ZWVuLXNhdmVzLWRyaXZlci1wbHVuZ2VkLWludG8tYmF5LWFmZmlsLXBrZy12cHgud2FiYw==
#19giugno #video #into #accelerates #driver #after #dives