Sabine Heiliger · @Sabine
46 followers · 237 posts · Server

@sheepnik I was wrong 😑! Just hold down the letter key on to access , er enghraifft tŷ, tô, ffatrïoedd :tŵt:

#accentedletters #applemac

Last updated 2 years ago

Yes, I Know IT ! 🎓 · @YesIKnowIT
653 followers · 3676 posts · Server

Converting a text to uppercase from the shell? Is that so simple? Yes, but...

You've probably noticed from my accent (pun intended), I'm a French native speaker. So, in this video I show you several classical ways to convert characters to upper case from the shell. And most important, I will explain how and why they work--or don't work--with characters outside the ASCII range.

#uppercase #lowercase #locale #accentedletters #sed #awk #bash

Last updated 7 years ago