I run Fedora Linux with XFCE desktop and I'm trying to get speakup #screenreader operational. The modules are all compiled in the kernel but from there I'm lost. Accessability wants Orca to run but I hate gnome.
Surely there is a simple document showing me but I have been googling all day. Rather DDG
Thanks ahead.
Help a Gilmore Girl fan out
(I’m surprised-not-surprised that adding audio descriptions for visually-impaired viewers is not required by law)
I just overheard someone mocking a child for not reading the signs to find the toilets in a cafe. I bet they don't like it when abroad and the toilet signs don't have the 🚻 pictograms. #a11y #accessability
"[T]he National Library Board’s (NLB) Accessible Membership for people with disabilities [...] was launched at the beginning of 2023.
Members enjoy a longer borrowing and renewal period of 42 days – instead of 21 days – and free reservation of items, which cost $1.57 per item for other patrons."
#singapore #library #accessability #disabilities #society
using voiceover on a mac is a TRIP!! If you're going to turn it on for testing, may I suggest running through the training tutorial, and also these handy links:
happy #Accessability testing/implementing!!
#a11y (I love that that short-hand reads as "ally" to me, too)
For a very good explanation of why I need those damn waypoints I can place:
Aphantasia, No Visual Imagination, and Video Games
#IHaveAlwaysJustAssumeThat people would use camel case for multiword hashtags if it was explained that it was necessary for screen readers and #accessability
I guess I was wrong. 💔
#ihavealwaysjustassumethat #accessability #hashtaggames
I'm a cradle #Catholic. I did all the stuff (Baptism, Fist Communion, Confirmation) as a wee lad. I was born here all my life. When I was around four years old, the church kicked out my mom and, by extension, my family. I explored other faiths, #meditation, #yoga, #Buddhism, and all the things. I wanted to not convert to a religion or practice that I had not been born to or wasn't otherwise ancestrally connected. I explored Protestant fellowships but soon began seeking "the deeper things" back in the lives of saints. This led to a deep dive into the #EarlyChurch Fathers and early church history. Entering the #OrthodoxChurch, I lived in several monasteries and wandered around the US like the guy in Way of a Pilgrim. I was ultimately drawn to #Theosis and the #PrayerOfTheHeart, sometimes called the #JesusPrayer. That church became tedious as well. Long story short, decades later, a pandemic, and a few ends of the world here I am. I recently stumbled across a podcast called the #PopeFrancisGeneration. I'm intrigued. I am listening. Let's see where my current studies lead.
Some of my interests:
#NewMexico #Ogapoge #SantaFe #SantaFeRiver #Water #Birds #Plants #Medicine #Hiking #Walking #NaturePhotography #Biophilia #Wilderness #Rewild #Rewilding #Regenerative #RegenerativeDesign #UniversalDesign #RegenerativeAg #RegenAg #AppropriateTechnology #Contemplation #Hesychasm #Prayer #Ancestors #Death #Dying #Grief #DeathDoula #DeathAdvocacy #Apophatic #RadicalCompassion #Compassion #SocialJustice #PublicHealth #SocialWork #EnvironmentalJustice #DisabilityRights #HealthEquity #Recovery #RecoveryPosse #Drawing #Writing #VisualThinking #WriteToThink #Journal #BulletJournal #SystemsChange #Humanrights #Inclusion #Accessability #InvisibleDisabilityRights #DisabilityVoice #RacialEquality #PublicHealth #Grief #Hospice #Humanrights #Food #Health #Fasting #Calsthenics #Movement
I'll continue to post interest hashtags in this thread to be.
#catholic #meditation #yoga #buddhism #earlychurch #orthodoxchurch #theosis #jesusprayer #popefrancisgeneration #newmexico #ogapoge #santafe #santaferiver #water #birds #plants #medicine #hiking #walking #naturephotography #biophilia #wilderness #rewild #rewilding #regenerative #RegenerativeDesign #universaldesign #regenerativeag #regenag #appropriatetechnology #ancestors #death #dying #grief #Hospice #deathdoula #deathadvocacy #radicalcompassion #compassion #socialjustice #publichealth #socialwork #environmentaljustice #disabilityrights #HealthEquity #drawing #writing #visualthinking #writetothink #journal #bulletjournal #systemschange #humanrights #inclusion #accessability #invisibledisabilityrights #disabilityvoice #racialequality #food #health #fasting #calsthenics #movement #introduction #introductions #prayeroftheheart #contemplation #prayer #hesychasm #apophatic #recovery #recoveryposse
Hello mastodon.radio! This is my #introduction
I've had my foundation licence for years but don't use the radio much. Enjoyed bringing morse to the masses when I worked at a local museum.
Interested in #tech #inclusion #accessability #heritage #history #darkhumour #LGBTQ and absolutely rubbish movies like #theMeg and #IndependanceDay
Bit of a voyeur so probably just read toots but hoping I'll get over my anxiety and get involved too
#independanceday #themeg #lgbtq #darkhumour #history #heritage #accessability #inclusion #tech #introduction
Ticket office closures: disabled people launch a legal challenge
#ticketoffices #disabled #abc #accessability #leighday #leadbetter #paulley #blind #railwaysact2005
Hey y’all! What fun festivities in Atlanta are going on this summer? Preferably something disability /accessibility friendly. Thanks #atl #atlanta #summer #fun #disability #ability #accessability
#atl #atlanta #summer #fun #disability #ability #accessability
@hallen Yes, Metatext is good, but @MonaApp is my favorite! It's by far the best Mastodon app I've used to date & it's available on all #Apple platforms. The developer has also clearly demonstrated a commitment to #accessability & for that, I believe he deserves all the credit in the world!
Mapping Museums team awarded £1M by Arts and Humanities Research Council for their project ‘Museum Closure in the UK 2000-2025’.
They will look at closure and collections dispersal within the UK and document objects and knowledge transfer after closure.
#museums #heritage #accessability
uh okay people if you're screenshotting a post from tumblr your #ALTtext needs to include the username of the person who wrote the post, and the fact that it's a tumblr post. Not just the text from the post. If you are not crediting the user who wrote it that's just theft.
I got a call tonight, from a number I didn’t recognize. They didn’t leave a message. I accidentally called them back, but only let it ring once, before hanging up. Has anyone tested this feature yet that would be willing to speak to its #accessability with #voiceover?
@devinprater #kde is doing a good thing with #accessability. I just hope they continue, and wish that I could contribute to their mission in other ways than monetary. Maybe when I get some more time on my hands.
Anyone using #obsidiannotes as their PKM tool of choice? I’ve read that #accessability has improved somewhat when they switched editor libraries, and am curious to hear peoples opinions.
Would also be a good idea to enable gardening for kids.
A small box as a step and kids can reach everything over the raised bed.
So maybe four, at least two curves might be an idea?
#garden #gardening #accessability #accessabilityawareness
Today I am learning about #localisation and #internationalisation with #Python. For somebody who's never dug into #gettext etc before, I'm finding there are *very* few tutorials that start from scratch of "OK, here's how to start internationalising your strings, and then generating templates to be localised".
I found this one, https://phrase.com/blog/posts/translate-python-gnu-gettext/, which has gotten me off the ground, but gosh it was hard to find.
#accessability #internationalization #localization #i18n #l10n
#localisation #internationalisation #python #gettext #accessability #internationalization #localization #i18n #l10n