Let's be clear about this: Accessibility is not a feature. Inaccessibility is a bug.
If your software or website is inaccessible, that renders it unusable to the end user. It is broken, in other words.
#accessibilitymatters #accessibilityisnotafeature #disabilityrights #accessibility #disability #softwaredevelopment #softwarebug #web #ux #uxdesign
OK, Door Dash, you seriously need to fix a massive accessibility issue with your app. How in hell are Voiceover users supposed to log into their accounts if the password field isn't recognised by Voiceover as a bloody text field? And then you've got the nerve to sit there and wonder why it is that people say your app isn't blind friendly. #AccessibilityIsNotAFeature
@kyle @crazydutchy @ANGELGIRL1976 @frog67 On the server I'm on, the character limit is 2000. And I do know people who, even during the dark days of 140 characters on twitter, actually did write accessible and accessibility in their tweets, even if they had to split the tweet in three. I also remember when the #AccessibilityIsNotAFeature hashtag was a thing. And it certainly wasn't shortened to A11y.