
If you’re on mastodon.world you should see the trending tags in - this is to aid readability, including by screen readers to improve .

This relies on manual editing of the tags - Mastodon allows mods and admins to change the capitalisation of trending tags, *not* any letters within the tags.

So please bear with as it does require manual review of the tags list, but I’ll do my best to keep the top 10 formatted this way.

#accessibletags #camelcase #accessibility #mastoMods #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

James Musson 🔴 · @jtmusson
187 followers · 586 posts · Server mastodon.world


If you’re on mastodon.world you should see the trending tags in - this is to aid readability, including by screen readers to improve .

This relies on manual editing of the tags - Mastodon allows mods and admins to change the capitalisation of trending tags, *not* any letters within the tags.

So please bear with as it does require manual review of the tags list, but I’ll do my best to keep the top 10 formatted this way.


#accessibletags #camelcase #accessibility

Last updated 2 years ago