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La photo provient d'une campagne pour le badge "please offer me a seat" qu'on peut obtenir auprès des transports irlandais
Les images proviennent de vidéos postées sur
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#DisabilityJustice #hiddendisability #accessibilite #accesssibility
[Blog post] Elon Musk does not know how to add an image description, so here is a tuto #accesssibility #a11y
Well, that’s unexpected. I was watching a video to get help with PDF accessibility and noticed it was created by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. #accesssibility
Lately, I've been learning more about how to use VoiceOver to better understand the experience of people who use it, and for accessibility testing.
I put together a quick cheatsheet of the few commands I've been using if you want to try as well! 🙂