🇦🇫 #Afghanistan: Marking the second anniversary of the Taliban's takeover, IFEX spoke to Afghanistan Journalists Center about press freedom & journalists' safety in the country, plus steps to safeguard #AccessToInformation:
Read our Q&A: 🔽
#afghanistan #accesstoinformation
The Irish State's compulsion towards secrecy and its deep suspicion of the public remains as strong as ever, I see:
#AIE #AIERequests #Transparency #Democracy #AccessToInformation #AccessToInformationOnTheEnvironment #Ireland #MastoDaoine
#aie #aierequests #transparency #democracy #accesstoinformation #accesstoinformationontheenvironment #ireland #mastodaoine
Ssshhhh... I have a secret, or perhaps they do.🤫🤐
"A copy of any email, text, or written correspondence sent to or from the Minister and their staff..."
#FOI #AccessToInformation #BCPoli #Transportation #Rail #Highways #ICF #IslandCorridor #AtmosphericRiver #CameronLakeFire #BCWildfire
#foi #accesstoinformation #bcpoli #transportation #rail #highways #icf #islandcorridor #atmosphericriver #cameronlakefire #bcwildfire
The #RCMP says it is NOT investigating allegations of political interference in the federal handling of criminal charges against engineering firm #SNCLavalin.
In a statement today, the #Mounties set the record straight after a recent response to a public interest group's #AccessToInformation suggested the Mounties were conducting such a probe.
#rcmp #snclavalin #mounties #accesstoinformation #canada #canpol
The Gambia's 🇬🇲 information minister acknowledges the importance of the public having easy access to information held by state bodies, and makes an undertaking to ensure government is more open reports the Media Foundation for West Africa.
🇲🇳 #Mongolia: RSF commends the Mongolian President’s veto of a social media bill that poses a potential threat to journalism and the public’s right to information, and urges the parliament not to override this veto.
#mongolia #pressfreedom #accesstoinformation #socialmedia
#Introduction post after migrating to @mastodon.ngo, a new instance for #activists, #HumanRights defenders and allies! 🤩
IFEX is a global network that defends and promotes #FreedomOfExpression and #AccessToInformation. We are a nexus for #FreeExpression expertise contributed by over 120 member-organisations, spanning 90 countries, and committed to collaboration and transformative advocacy.
We are very happy to be part of the #Fediverse to promote and chat about human rights.
#introduction #activists #humanrights #freedomofexpression #accesstoinformation #freeexpression #fediverse
Hey leaders, you should be taking a cue from these students.
200 students walkout in protest in #Alabama after school administration told them their student-run #BlackHistoryMonth program could not reference anything that happened before the 1970s, including slavery, the Black Panthers or the civil rights movement.
#alabama #blackhistorymonth #protest #accesstoinformation
🇵🇰 #Pakistan: Before the ban was lifted, civil society groups warned about how the order would disproportionately impact students and information workers. https://ifex.org/civil-society-groups-condemn-wikipedia-ban-in-pakistan/
#SaveWikipedia #Wikipedia #AccessToInformation
#pakistan #savewikipedia #wikipedia #accesstoinformation
#CivicSpace 📢 New report outlines the legal, policy, & institutional frameworks & practices governments have in place in 4 key areas:
➡️Protection of civic freedoms
➡️#MediaFreedom + online civic space
➡️Enabling environment
See👉 http://oe.cd/civic-space-report
#policy #key #areas #Earth #world #meioambiente #Environment #biodiversity #Government #equity #desigualdade #direitoshumanos #HumanRights #Humanity #civicfreedoms #Research #report #Free #Freedom #mediafreedom #accesstoinformation #civicspace
#Journalists from NewsDay
were barred from covering the presentation of the 2023 National Budget in #Zimbabwe, after being repeatedly excluded from covering national events. #AccessToInformation #FreedomOfExpression #media https://zimbabwe.misa.org/2022/11/26/misa-zimbabwe-position-on-barring-of-newsday-from-covering-national-events/
#journalists #zimbabwe #accesstoinformation #freedomofexpression #media
#Journalists from NewsDay were barred from covering the presentation of the 2023 National Budget in #Zimbabwe, after being repeatedly excluded from covering national events. #AccessToInformation #FreedomOfExpression
#journalists #zimbabwe #accesstoinformation #freedomofexpression
#Journalists from @NewsDayZimbabwe
were barred from covering the presentation of the 2023 National Budget in #Zimbabwe, after being repeatedly excluded from covering national events. #AccessToInformation #FreedomOfExpression https://t.co/E3cjDKE0wM
#journalists #zimbabwe #accesstoinformation #freedomofexpression
We are starting to post on Mastodon!
Follow us if you are interested in #FreedomOfExpression #PressFreedom #DigitalRights #HumanRights #AccessToInformation #Journalism #Law #MediaLaw #StrategicLitigation around the world.
You can also check our website & subscribe to our newsletter: https://www.mediadefence.org/subscribe-newsletter/
#freedomofexpression #pressfreedom #digitalrights #HumanRights #accesstoinformation #Journalism #law #medialaw #strategiclitigation
🇰🇭 #Cambodia: Several civil society and media groups are calling on the Ministry of Information to clarify why #journalists from VOD English
and VOA were denied access to a government press conference with Prime Minister Hun Sen.
#cambodia #journalists #pressfreedom #accesstoinformation
Filling out the Canadian government's informal Access to Information and Privacy requests (ATIP) form can be a bore, especially if you need to do several at a time. This bookmarklet makes the process easier by pre-filling out all the fields so that you can just hit "Submit."
Questions? @tom_cardoso
#accesstoinformation #ati #foi #government #canada
European Media Freedom Act A17: here's a thought, what if we just skipped number 17 in legislation making? You know like there's no 13th floor or hotel room #13... A17 just seems a bit of an unlucky number for freedom of speech and intelligent content moderation.
RT @LibertiesEU
#Article17 would fuel #disinformation & limit #AccessToInformation. A similar solution was pushed back during the #DSA negotiation. The exem…
#dsa #accesstoinformation #Disinformation #article17
RT @InforegulatorSA
#PAIA #Right2Know #AccessToInformation PAIAComplaints@inforegulator.org.za. https://twitter.com/imc_npc/status/1463863109613928462
#PAIA #right2know #accesstoinformation
RT @MICTNamibia
ICT Deputy Minister Hon. Emma Theofelus, @UNESCOWindhoek @ISOCNamibia and Law Reform & Development Commission held Regional consultations and awareness campaign on the draft Access to Information Bill in Kavango East and Zambezi Regions respectively.
Great 👍🏾 “Access to information is like #liberty. Whenever that is restricted or limited for the sake of capitalism, it’s so symbolic of #oppression because people can’t make up their own minds,” says Shahmir. “When they don’t have that information, can they really make the best decisions for themselves?” #accessToInformation #freedom
#liberty #oppression #accesstoinformation #freedom