Venus and the Moon this morning.
By measures of astrophotographic quality, this one is pretty meh. It's noisy, it's a little fuzzy, the tree in the foreground looks like an expressionist did it, same with the house...
...but I showed it to my wife, who thought the inadvertent light painting on the tree looked really cool and the whole thing was aesthetically good.
So one for "art" today, as opposed to "science."
#accidentalart #Venus #moon #Astronomy
#AccidentalaRt #UMAP I appear to be facing single cells that are so surprised that the hair in their topknot stands on end.
I call this one... "Freedom?" 🤔
Continuing my little thread from January...
Another incidental/accidental piece that came about a couple days ago: I used a small gelplate as a mixing palette, then pulled a cleanup print. Might do something with it in digital.
#tinyart #mastoart #acrylicpainting #accidentalart
Today in #AccidentalArt, I found this character hiding in Black Sea temperatures. Not a nice bird because it's crashed things!
My father is a consultant for municipal water and sewer systems in New Jersey and sent a copy of his "office" this morning to the family group chat. Thought it was too pretty not to share. Photo credit: my dad, with permission. #AccidentalArt #Industrial #Photography #Infrastructure
#accidentalart #industrial #photography #infrastructure
I saw this in my glass storage box.
It's a kind of reflective effect between two sheets of glass.
I call this piece of #AccidentalArt “Hidden RPG Game”. @HanValen is DQed right out of the gate given their vantage.
On a freezing cold afternoon a long time ago, I saw a little bird sitting on the ground. I wrote the moment down into a small memory.
A few weeks ago, I accidentally painted a blob of leftover paint into a bird.
I expanded the words, put them with my bird painting and called the tiny story 'The Bird of Cold and Stars'.
#CreativeWriting #IndieWriting #IndieWriter #CreativeToots #AccidentalArt
#creativewriting #indiewriting #indiewriter #creativetoots #accidentalart
“The Funeral” - Mixed Media Sculpture, Installation, 2023
AKA a clock shop back room. #FoundArt #AccidentalArt #MomentoMori
#foundart #accidentalart #MomentoMori
My phone decided this was an important view from inside of a pocket. You can choose if that’s true… #AccidentalArt
Graffiti removal, West Colorado Avenue, Colorado Springs CO. #accidentalart #graffitiremoval #rothkoesque
#accidentalart #graffitiremoval #rothkoesque
Zum #fahrradfreitag einfach mal eine aktuelle Rückansicht. Liebe das, wie sich der Look vom Rad mit jeder neuen Beladungskonfiguration ändert. #radfahren #accidentalart
#fahrradfreitag #radfahren #accidentalart
When your accidentally fire your phone’s camera while taking it out of your pocket and end up with unintentional art
#serendipity #accidentalart #illustration #art
Just that time my kitchen cabinets turned into an 80’s abstract art poster #accidentalart
@enriquericos I'm not sure if "accidental art" is a real phrase. If so, it will be coincidental as I just made it up. 😄