Rewatching this cute #cdrama again.
I like how episode 14 touches on the topic of #beautystandards - questioning how we view #beauty & why
"...If someone doesn't fall into the mainstream standard of beauty, are they not beautiful at all? Are they not worthy to be complimented & to be loved? Who said that? Who set the rules? Who has the right to judge so?"
#AccidentallyInLove #AccidentallyInLoveEp14 #cdramas #惹上冷殿下
#AmySun #SunYiNing #孙艺宁
#FictionGuo #GuoJunChen #郭俊辰
#cdrama #beautystandards #beauty #accidentallyinlove #accidentallyinloveep14 #CDramas #惹上冷殿下 #amysun #sunyining #孙艺宁 #fictionguo #guojunchen #郭俊辰